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Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
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Qurilish. Arxitektura
Promoting Green Economy hnplications for Natural Resources Development, Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Africa
Africa’s growth experiences are attributed to prudent macroeconomic policies; improvements in economic and social infrastructure, and public institutions; diversification of economies; and most importantly, extraction and trade in natural resources, which contribute about a third to economic growth.
Like many well- beloved children, this book was an accident. It came about as I moved between two big research projects, one on the history of land law, the other on the politics of criminal law. Indeed, the research that has gone into it was originally planned (and funded) for those ends.
Nationalism and the Economy Explorations into a Neglected Relationship
When Walter Rathenau modified Napoleon’s well-known quotation—that politics would be Germany’s fate—to “the economy is our fate,” he was motivated by the strong belief that Germany’s greatness as a nation was strongly linked to its economic performance. In other words: a successful economy was the precondition for a successful nation-state. Nationalism would only work for Germany against the background of a successful econ-omy (Greve 1990).
Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies Volume 2: Local, Regional, and Imperial Economies
This handbook is based on the interdisciplinary research project “Beyond the Silk Road: Economic Development, Frontier-Zones, and Inter-Imperiality in the Afro- Eurasian World Region (300 to 300 ),” and made possible through the award of an Advanced Grant by the European Research Council from 2017 to 2022 (ERC- ADG 742645).
China’s Economy in Transition From External to Internal Rebalancing
The authors would like to express their gratitude to IMF colleagues whose work on China and Asia has been instrumental in shaping the chapters that appear in this volume, particularly Steve Barnett, Nigel Chalk, and Markus Rodlauer. The analysis presented here has also benefited from discussions with officials and ana- lysts in China, elsewhere in Asia, and in Washington, D.C.
Highway Infrastructure and the Economy Implications for Federal Policy
The U.S. government has at times premised investment in highway infrastructure on the belief that it contributes to economic growth. However, the economic effects of highway infrastructure remain a matter of debate. Politicians and policy analysts are today considering a major new U.S.
A Civil Econom y A CIVIL ECONOMY Transforming the Market in the Twenty-First Century
This process of readjustment and re-engineering has proven to be a great deal more complicated than we imagined. Nothing has been automatic or natural. The globalization of the world economy, for instance, has not only generated vast amounts of new wealth while transforming traditional social re-lationships in many parts of the world, it has also exacerbated environmental degradation and weakened systems of governance.
The Barter Economy of the Khmer Rouge Labor Camps
Pribble investigates the barter economies that developed in many of the labor camps established under the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. A fascinating study of the human consequences of imposing rigid ideology, that will be of particular interest to scholars and students of political history and Southeast Asian history.
Possible Opportunities to Foster the Development of Innovative Alpine Timber Value Chains with regard to Bio-Economy and Circular Economy
This book was written in connection with the Circulalps project which was launched in January 2018 under EUSALP -the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region - and is supported by the Alpine Region Preparatory Action Fund (ArpaF)
Philosophy of International Law
This book is in a remote sense a sequel to The Decay of International Law published by Manchester University Press in 1986. It takes up some of the themes of the first book: the contested role of legal doctrine, the problematic character of custom as a source of law, and the relationship of the state to the nation in the theory of inter national legal personality.
Geopolitics of the Knowledge-Based Economy
This book will prove enlightening to students, researchers and policymak- ers in the fields of human geography, urban studies, spatial planning, political science and international relations.
Научный журнал
Процесс синтеза углеводородов из СО и Н2 открыт в Германии в 1926 г Ф. Фишером и Г. Тропшем, реализован в 1938 г. в Германии и в 1955 г. в ЮАР (фирма “Sasol”). Процесс является гетерогенным каталитическим процессом. Основные катализаторы – соединения железа и кобальта.
Kontraktasiya shartnomalari talabnoma va da'vo arizalari
Mazkur qo'llanmada kontraktasiya shartnomalari talabnoma va da'vo arizalari qanday tuzilishi hamda mavzuga oid qiziqarli suhbat va maqolalar ham o'rin olgan.
Introduction to geographic information systems
The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time of publication. The inclusion of a website does not indicate an endorsement by the authors or McGraw-Hill Education, and McGraw-Hill Education does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented at these sites. A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system for storing, managing, analyzing, and displaying geospatial data. Since the 1970s GIS has been important for professionals in natural resource management, land use planning, natural hazards, transportation, health care, public services, market area analysis, and urban planning. It has also become a necessary tool for government agencies of all the levels for routine operations.