Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
The Heart of Torah, VOLUME 2 Essays on the Weekly Torah Portion: Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Simone de Beauvoir “ the useless mouths” and other liter ary writings
It is my pleasure to take this opportunity to honor the monumental work of research and publication that the Beauvoir Series represents, which was un- dertaken and brought to fruition by Margaret A. Simons and the ensemble of her team.
Cosmopolitan Love Utopian Vision in D. H. Lawrence and Eileen Chang
If a book has its own life, writing is creating a new life. I would like to thank the Lynn Research Fellowship, the Purdue Research Foundation, the Purdue Promise Award, the Research Impact and Engagement Grant at the University of Nebraska– Lincoln, and Soka University of America for their funding and support during the development of this project.
The Heart of Torah, VOLUME 2 Essays on the Weekly Torah Portion: Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
This is the golden age of the parashat ha- shavua (weekly Torah portion) commentary. Once treated as ephemera, Torah commentar- ies are increasingly being published, studied, and returned to again and again. Important rabbis and scholars have written substantive, sophisticated essays.
The Heart of Torah, VOLUME 1 Essays on the Weekly Torah Portion: Genesis and Exodus Foreword by Rabbi Yitz Greenberg
This is the golden age of the parashat ha- shavua (weekly Torah portion) commentary. Once treated as ephemera, Torah commentar- ies are increasingly being published, studied, and returned to again and again. Important rabbis and scholars have written substantive, sophisticated essays.
GENES IN CONFLICT The Biology of Selfish Genetic Elements
By logic, situations of conflict, in which natural selection acts in opposing directions simulta neously, are likely to generate strong coadaptations on each side. At the level of individuals interacting within (or between) species, this conflict is seen to generate a wide range of behaviors and structures. Conflict within an individual might be expected to generate similar kinds of genetic complexity.
Vitagenes in avian biology and poultry health
The book is divided into 4 parts and includes 17 chapters. The first part deals with stress and antioxidant defences and includes two chapters. In Chapter 1 an analysis of main stresses in poultry production is presented indicating that it is practically impossible to avoid various stresses in commercial meat and egg production systems.
A Rich Brew How Cafés Created Modern Jewish Culture
Modern Jewish culture is multilingual, and the sources I draw on, cite, and analyze in this book are in Hebrew, Yiddish, German, English, Rus-sian, and Polish. Three of these languages do not use Roman characters, and this fact creates a major problem, since there arevarious norms and variations.
For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. They have long meals in half-empty restau-rants . . . One night in a hotel on the seashore, after a late television broadcast of the film Fog, the man calls a friend in his homeland. During the brief conversation, he finds out that seven years after their divorce, his ex-wife has been put into a mental institution
Педагогик импровизация асосида бўлажак ўқитувчиларнинг креативлигини ривожлантириш
Монография "Педагогик импровизация асосида бўлажак ўқитувчиларнинг креативлигини ривожлантириш методикаси” деб номланган бўлиб унда педагогик импровизая асосида бўлажак ўқитувчиларниг креативлигини ривожлантириш бўйича методик тавсиялар назарий ва услубий асосларини ёритиб беришга ҳаракат қилинган
Fragmenting modernism Ford Madox Ford, the novel and the Great War
I should like to thank Chris Walsh, at Chester College of Higher Education, for finding me some valuable time to write, and Bob Owens, at the Open University, for encouraging me in the final stages of this book. I am very grateful to those who have commented at various points on the manuscript: Bernard Bergonzi, Arthur Bradley, Paul Clark, Sarah Cooke, Olwen Haslam, Phil Horne, David Mason, Max Saunders, Sita Schutt and Paul Skinner.
Handbook of Marine Model Organisms in Experimental Biology Established and Emerging
Bringing a rich diversity of living beings to the workbench is a conditio sine qua non to explore and understand the magical mechanisms underlying organism development and diversity. This explains why academic researchers have never ceased—and should never cease—to bring new model systems into the laboratories. In the present book, we pres ent both the traditional and iconic marine model organisms and also some new organisms recently brought to the bench.
Industry & the Creative Mind The Eccentric Writer in American Literature and Entertainment, 1790–1860
Like all academic books this one was written in rather bustling condi- tions with vast amounts of kindness and support from institutions, li- braries, fellow scholars, friends, and family
Industry & the Creative Mind The Eccentric Writer in American Literature and Entertainment, 1790–1860
I ‹rst want to thank the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; a SSHRC Standard Research Grant made it possible for me to pursue the research for this book in the depth and detail it de-served. I also want to thank the University of British Columbia’s Centrefor Research in Women’s Studies and Gender Relations, which early on awarded me a fellowship to begin work on the women authors who form the focus of chapter
Оптимизация налогообложения от вопроса к ответу
Книга "ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ НАЛОГООБЛОЖЕНИЯ. ОТ ВОПРОСА К ОТВЕТУ" будет полезным и несомненно практическим пособием по достаточно специфичной, но весьма конкретной тематике, вынесенной в название авторской работы. Следует отметить, что книга предназначена для сравнительно узкого круга специалистов - руководителей, главных бухгалтеров, экономистов, аудиторов, а также юристов, занимающихся вопросами хозяйственного права. Содержание книги - юридически и экономически выверенные рекомендации по ведению финансово-хозяйственной деятельности предприятий с учетом разумного применения налогового законодательства. Грамотное следование предлагаемым советам ведет, как показывает деловая жизнь, к достижению вполне реальной цели - легитимному снижению выплат налогов, взносов и платежей в бюджет и во внебюджетные фонды. По ходу рассмотрения актуальных для предприятий различных форм собственности вопросов предлагаются и комментируются отдельные виды договоров, заключение которых способствует сохранению заработанных юридическими и физическими лицами средств. В книге скрупулезно освещается опыт предпринимательских структур в области оптимизации налогообложения.
Fermer xo‘jaliklarida g‘alla yetishtirishning iqtisodiy samaradorligi va uni oshirish yo‘llari
Bitiruv malakaviy ishining maqsadi-fermer xo‘jaliklarida fermer xo‘jaliklarida g‘alla yetishtirishning iqtisodiy samaradorligini oshirish bo‘yicha ilmiy asoslangan va amaliy ahamiyatga ega taklif hamda tavsiyalar ishlab chiqishdan iborat.
Цитрус ўсимликларини етиштириш технологияси ва унинг иқтисодий самарадорлигини ошириш йўллари
Битирув малакавий ишимда ҳам цитрус экинларини етиштириш ва уларни қайта ишлаш тўғрисида маълумотлар келтирилган.