Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Включаем обаяние по методике спецслужб
Никому бы не пришло в голову расшифровать аббревиатуру ФБР как Федеральное бюро радушия. В этой организации я проработал двадцать лет агентом, специализировавшимся на поведенческом анализе, и за эти годы развил способность быстро оценивать людей, понимать их характеры и вырабатывать стратегию поведения с ними. В мои обязанности входило убеждать людей сотрудничать с ФБР, действуя против их родной страны, или выявлять преступников и склонять их к признанию, иногда не произнося для этого ни единого слова.
Темур тузуклари
Ҳозирги кунга қадар жах,он ижтимоий фанларида андозага айланиб улгурган бир ибора мавжуд. Дунёда биринчи марта Конституция ғарб оламида пайдо бўлган деган тушунча жах,он халқлари онги ва шууридан мустах,кам урин олган. Биз эса тарихий адолат ва ҳақиқатни тиклаш учун албатта рад қилиб бўлмас далиллар, илмий - тарихий манбалар асосида "Нур гарбдан эмас, шаркдан таралади" гоясига таянган ҳолда, 2017 йилда чоп этилган, "Амир Темур — адолат ва қудрат тимсоли" китобимизда Сох,ибк,ирон х,азратларининг "Тузук" лари том маънодаги илк ўрта асрлар даври конституцияси эканлигини ҳар жиҳатдан исботлаб беришга интилдик. Шуни алох,ида таъкидлашни истар эдикки,
Истиқболли буғдой навларнинг қимматли хўжалик белгиларини ўрганиш
Бошоқли дон экинлари мамлакатимизда ва дунёда асосий озиқ-овқат экини ҳисобланади. Юмшоқ буғдой дони таркиби бўйича одам организми учун зарур бўлган аминокислоталардан 20 дан ортиғи мавжудлиги билан алоҳида аҳамиятга эга. Юмшоқ буғдой донида 12-17% оқсил моддалари, 77-78% углеводлар, 1.2-1.5% ёғ, кальций, фосфор ва темир элементларининг керакли бирикмалари ва бир қатор витаминлар бор.
Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics
This book is for people who want to learn basic electricity, electronics, and communications concepts without taking a formal course. It can also serve as a classroom text. This third edition contains new material covering acoustics, audio, high-fidelity, robotics, and artificial intelligence. I recommend you start at the beginning of this book and go straight through. There are hundreds of quiz and test questions to fortify your knowledge and help you check your progress as you work your way along. There is a short multiple-choice quiz at the end of every chapter. You may (and should) refer to the chapter texts when taking these quizzes. When you think you’re ready, take the quiz, write down your answers, and then give your list of answers to a friend. Have the friend tell you your score, but not which questions you got wrong. The answers are listed in the back of the book. Stick with a chapter until you get most of the answers correct. Because you’re allowed to look at the text during quizzes, the questions are written so that you really have to think before you write down an answer. Some are rather difficult, but there are no trick questions.
Morpho: Anatomy for artists. Fat and skin folds
In Morpho: Fat and Skin Folds, artist and teacher Michel Lauricella presents a unique approach to learning to draw the human body. The typical approach to teaching anatomy and the sketching of the human form most often focuses on the skeleton and musculature. What often goes ignored is the skin itself - how it moves and the expressions it creates as the body moves and changes positions. This book presents a simplified and practical vision of the fat and skin folds of the human body to help you in your drawing studies, encouraging both accuracy and a rich, diverse representation of the human form. Geared toward artists of all levels - from beginners through professionals - this handy, pocket-sized book will help spark your imagination and creativity. Whether your interest is in figure drawing, fine arts, fashion design, game design, or creating comic book or manga art, you will find this helpful book filled with actionable insights.
Не жалей ни о чем. И еще 99 правил счастливых людей
Как я уже отметил, нелегко стать тем, кем хочешь быть. Книга Найджела даст вам шанс справиться с трудностями, которые вас тормозят. Читайте ее, действуйте. И почувствуйте разницу! Эта книга – проводник на пути к достижению ваших целей, будь они смелыми и великими или скромными и даже приземленными
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use. Neither this book nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.
We beg our readers’ indulgence. We have tried to present a subject that we like, that we think is important. We have tried to present our insights, our tools and our knowledge. Along the way, some errors and misconceptions have without doubt slipped in. There must be wrong statements, misprints, mistakes, awkward phrases, islands of incomprehensibility (but they started out as continents!). We could, probably we should, improve and improve. But we can no longer wait. Like climbers within sight of the summit we are rushing, casting aside caution, reaching towards the moment when we can shout ‘‘it’s behind us’’.
Доброе утро каждый день: Как рано вставать и все успевать
Любой тренер по марафонскому бегу скажет вам, что длинная пробежка – самая важная. Но, как и в случае с большинством прекрасных привычек, последовательные усилия важнее отдельных спорадических действий. Это означает, что лучше пять-шесть раз в неделю пробегать по несколько километров, чем импульсивно возлагать все марафонские мечты и надежды на одно долгое и тяжелое испытание.
150 Favorite crochet motifs from Tokyo’s Kazekobo studio
For the first time in English, popular knitwear designer Yoko Hatta shows you creative ways to use a little leftover yarn and your own sense of design. You'll find round, square, triangle, polygon and Irish crochet motifs - from really simple to deliciously intricate - all waiting to be incorporated into your latest needlework projects. Make scarves and blankets using the all-time favorite granny squares, or shawls using polygons. Join circles (or throw in some squares) to make fun wall hangings, room dividers and more. Use beautiful Irish crochet motifs to embellish garments, form the outside of a bag, or make into a brooch. Find plenty of ideas for using color, from offbeat mono-and-duo-chromatic arrangements to splashy, multicolored pieces. Mastering even just a few of these motifs will open you to endless possibilities. Separate sections explain all the crochet symbols used and show you how to assemble the arrangements. Published in the same format as the bestselling Tuttle Publishing knitting dictionaries (Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible, 250 Japanese Knitting Stitches, Yoko Hatta's Japanese Knitting Stitches from Tokyo's Kazekobo Studio ), this book finally brings the same access and knowledge to crocheters.
When we wrote our 1988 book, Cooper Oxide Superconductors, our aim was to present an early survey of the experimental aspects of the field of high temperature superconductivity as an aid to researchers who were then involved in the worldwide effort to (a) understand the phenomenon of cuprate superconductivity and (b) search for ways to raise the critical temperature and produce materials suitable for the fabrication of magnets and other devices. A great deal of experimental data are now available on the cuprates, and their superconducting properties have been well characterized using high quality untwinned monocrystals and epitaxial thin films. Despite this enormous research effort, the underlying mechanisms responsible for the superconducting properties of the cuprates are still open to question. Nevertheless, we believe that the overall picture is now clear enough to warrant the writing of a text-book that presents our present-day understanding of the nature of the phenomenon of superconductivity, surveys the properties of various known superconductors, and shows how these properties fit into various theoretical frameworks. The aim is to present this material in a format suitable for use in a graduate-level course.
Пахтачиликда янги дефолиантларни қўллашнинг иқтисодий самарадорлиги
Тадқиқотнинг мақсади: Тошкент вилояти типик бўз тупроқлари шароитида ўрта толали Наврўз ғўза навида янги маҳаллий СуюқХМД ҳамда УзДЕФ дефолиантларининг самарадорлигини ўрганиш ва бу навнинг дефолиантларга таъсирчанлигини аниқлаб, ишлаб чиқаришга аниқ тавсия бериш.
ППривычка работать вместе Как двигаться в одном направлении, понимать людей и создавать настоящую команду
Однако все больше людей сегодня начинает понимать, что президенты компаний и политики формата «себе на уме», как и прочие герои-одиночки, – устаревшие ролевые модели. Пусть в СМИ о них пока и неплохо отзываются, но новые герои человечества – люди, которые знают, как найти союзников, собрать команду и двигаться вместе к общей цели.
Маснавий ҳикоялардан дарслар 1-китоб
Маснавий"ни шарҳ билан ўқиш ўқувчи тафаккурини кенгайтиради Румий ижодига ихлосини кучайтиради. Мазкур уитобни таёрлашда бирламчи манба сифатида профессор Маҳмуд Темурнинг "Маснавий" га ёзган шархларидан, шунингдек Алишер Навоий, Абдураҳмон Жомий, Аҳмат Яссавий, Бобораҳим Машраб, Сўфи Оллоёр каби мумтоз шоирларнинг айрим ўринларда кейинги давр ижодкорларнинг асарларидан ва хусусан ўзбек халқ мақолларидан фойдаланилган.
Ғўзанинг турли геномли гуруҳларига хос коллекциясининг селекция ишидаги аҳамиятини таҳлил қилиш
Ғўзанинг юқори (F8-F10) авлод дурагайларида қимматли хўжалик белгилар бўйича танлов ишларини давом эттириш, уларнинг ирсиятини чуқурроқ ўрганиш асосида ўзида қимматли белги-хусусиятларни мужассам этган бошланғич ашё яратиш ва олинган натижалардан оқилона фойдаланиш селекция ишларининг самарадорлигини янада оширади.
Statistical Physics
Statistical physics is not a difficult subject, and I trust that this will not be found a difficult book. It contains much that a number of generations of Lancaster students have studied with me, as part of their physics honours degree work. The lecture course was of 20 hours’duration, and I have added comparatively little to the lecture syllabus. A prerequisite is that the reader should have a working knowledge of basic thermal physics (i.e. the laws of thermodynamics and their application to simple substances). The book Thermal Physics by Colin Finn in this series forms an ideal introduction. Statistical physics has a thousand and one different ways of approaching the same basic results. I have chosen a rather down-to-earth and unsophisticated approach, without I hope totally obscuring the considerable interest of the fundamentals. This enables applications to be introduced at an early stage in the book.