Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Renewable Energy
The present edition has been updated in a number of renewable energy technology areas (Chapter 4 and 5), where progress have been made over the recent years. New solar simulation studies have been added to Chapter 6, and market considerations have been included in the overview in Chapter 1, and in discussing industry liberalisation in Chapter 7. The remarks on advanced subjects made in the preface to the 2nd edition are still valid. A new growth area is fuel cells for stationary and mobile uses of hydrogen and other fuels. Only modest updates have been done in this area, as it is the subject of a new, companion book to be published about a year after this one (Sørensen: Hydrogen and fuel cells, Academic Press). Some older material has been omitted or tidied up, and manoeuvring through the book has been eased, both for reference and textbook uses.
Renewable Energy
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Янгиланаётган мамлакатимиз шароитида нефть ва газ саноатини замонавий талаблар асосида сифат жиҳатдан ривожлантириш, ишлаб чиқаришга инновацион технологияларни кенг жорий этиш, ишлаб чиқаришнинг жаҳон бозоридаги рақобатбардошлигини рақамли ва инновацион технологиялар асосида таъминлаш каби сифат кўрсаткичларига алоҳида эътибор қаратилмоқда. "Бугун биз давлат ва жамият ҳаётининг барча сохаларини тубдан янгилашга қаратилган инновацион ривожланиш йўлига ўтмоқдамиз. Бу бежиз эмас, албатта. Чунки замон шиддат билан ривожланиб бораётган ҳозирги даврда ким ютади? Янги фикр, янги ғоя, инновацияга таянган давлат ютади.
Relativity, Space-Time and Cosmology
These notes cover the development of the current scientific concepts of space and time through history, emphasizing the newest developments and ideas. The presentation will be non-mathematical: the concepts will be introduced and explained, but no real calculations will be performed. The various concepts will be introduced in a historical order (whenever possible), this provides a measure of understanding as to how the ideas on which the modern theory of space and time is based were developed. In a real sense this has been an adventure for humanity, very similar to what a child undergoes from the moment he or she first looks at the world to the point he or she understands some of its rules. Part of this adventure will be told here.
Путь к финансовой свободе
Конечно, обращение с деньгами и ценными бумагами не составляет труда, когда вся экономика и фондовые рынки находятся на подъеме. Но в жизни все происходит иначе. Поэтому мой совет: учитесь видеть шансы и возможности не только в хорошие, но и в плохие времена. В этом вам поможет данная книга. Она рассчитана не только на периоды хорошей погоды и будет сопровождать вас всю жизнь. Следуйте изложенным в ней истинам, многие из которых насчитывают уже не одну тысячу лет, и деньги превратятся в силу, которая будет поддерживать вашу жизнь.
My earlier book, Essential Relativity, aimed to provide a quick if thoughtful introduction to the subject at the level of advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students, while ‘containing enough new material and simplifications of old arguments so as not to bore the expert teacher.’ But general relativity has by now robustly entered the mainstream of physics, in particular astrophysics, new discoveries in cosmology are routinely reported in the press, while ‘wormholes’ and time travel have made it into popular TV. Students thus want to know more than the bare minimum. The present book offers such an extension, in which the style, the general philosophy, and the mathematical level of sophistication have nevertheless remained the same. Anyone who knows the calculus up to partial differentiation, ordinary vectors to the point of differentiating them, and that most useful method of approximation, the binomial theorem, should be able to read this book. But instead of the earlier nine chapters there are now eighteen, and instead of 167 exercises, now there are more than 300; above all, tensors are introduced without apology and then thoroughly used.
More than a generation of German-speaking students around the world have worked their way to an understanding and appreciation of the power and beauty of modern theoretical physics with mathematics, the most fundamental of sciences using Walter Greiner's textbooks as their guide. The idea of developing a coherent, complete presentation of an entire field of science in a series of closely related textbooks is not a new one. Many older physicists remember with real pleasure their sense of adventure and discovery as they worked their ways through the classic series by Sommerfeld, by Planck and by Landau and Lifshitz. From the students' viewpoint, there are a great many obvious advantages to be gained through use of consistent notation, logical ordering of topics and coherence of presentation; beyond this, the complete coverage of the science provides a unique opportunity for the author to convey his personal enthusiasm and love for his subject.
Найди свой путь к богатству
Эта книга написана для того, чтобы помочь людям управлять этим великим колесом и получить от него все, о чем они мечтают, в том числе двенадцать величайших богатств, о которых говорится во второй главе.
This book deals with topics in atomic and molecular structure and dynamics that are important to astronomy. Indeed, the topics selected are of central interest to the field of astronomy, many having been initiated by the needs of understanding worlds other than ours. Except for some lunar surface material returned by the Apollo missions, and material naturally delivered to us by cosmic rays, comets, and meteors, our only access to the other worlds of our astronomical Universe is through our observations of electromagnetic radiation from them. (Very recently, neutrinos from the Sun and supernovae have also been studied, and there are hopes for observations of gravitational waves in the next decades.)
Большая книга привлечения богатства. Думай так, как думают миллионеры
Эта книга заставила меня больше думать о цели в жизни, дав основу того, как об этом думать правильно и глубоко. И чтение, и уроки, вынесенные из нее, были очень полезны. Я настоятельно рекомендую эту книгу всем, кто утратил почву под ногами и желает знать правду о по настоящему благополучной жизни!
QUARKS AND LEPTONS: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics
Dramatic progress has been made in particle physics during the past two decades. A series of important experimental discoveries has firmly established the existence of a subnuclear world of quarks and leptons. The protons and neutrons ("nucleons"), which form nuclei, are no longer regarded as elementary particles but are found to be made of quarks. That is, in the sequence molecules atoms → nuclei nucleons, there is now known to be another "layer in the structure of matter." However, the present euphoria in particle physics transcends this remarkable discovery. The excitement is due to the realization that the dynamics of quarks and leptons can be described by an extension of the sort of quantum field theory that proved successful in describing the electromagnetic interactions of charged particles. To be more precise, the fundamental interactions are widely believed to be described by quantum field theories possessing local gauge symme- try. One of the aims of this book is to transmit a glimpse of the amazing beauty and power of these gauge theories. We discuss quarks and leptons, and explain how they interact through the exchange of gauge field quanta (photons, gluons, and weak bosons).
Мой продуктивный год: Как я проверил самые известные методики личной эффективности на себе
Я рассказываю о своих достижениях не для того, чтобы произвести на вас впечатление, а чтобы показать, насколько мощным инструментом могут стать приемы, повышающие продуктивность. И как бы мне ни было лестно так думать, но два места работы по окончании университета мне предложили вовсе не потому, что я был каким-то особенно умным или одаренным.
Quantum versus Chaos
The framework of quantum mechanics in the adiabatic limit where no quantum transition occurs is traced back to the quantization condition of adiabatic invariants, i.e., of action variables. In fact, the interpretation of this condition as the commutation rule for a pair of canonical variables led to the construction of Heisenberg's matrix equation; another interpretation of this condition, as that for confining a standing wave, led to the birth of Schrö dinger's wave mechanics. In classically-chaotic systems, however, the stable tori are broken up and we can conceive no action to be quantized. Therefore, we cannot prevent ourselves from being suspicious of using the present formalism of quantum mechanics beyond the logically acceptable (i.e., classicallyintegrable) regime. Actually, quantum dynamics of classically-chaotic systems yields only quasi-periodic and recurrent behaviors, thereby losing the classical-quantum correspondence. There prevails a general belief in the incompatibility between quantum and chaos. Presumably, a generalized variant of quantum mechanics should be established so as to accommodate the temporal chaos.
Die Region – eine Begriffserkundung
All diese Begriffe lassen sich in Wörterbüchern als Synonyme und Defi nitionsele-mente des Begriffs Region fi nden. Die Auflistung verdeutlicht, dass eine generelleBegriffsbestimmung ein fragwürdiges Unterfangen wäre. Oder wie Ute Wardengabei unserem Autor: innentreffen anmerkte, wäre es der Versuch, einen Pudding an die Wand zu nageln.
The electronic properties of semiconductors form the basis of the latest and current technological revolution, the development of ever smaller and more powerful computing devices, which affect not only the potential of modern science but practically all aspects of our daily life. This dramatic development is based on the ability to engineer the electronic properties of semiconductors and to miniaturize devices down to the limits set by quantum mechanics, thereby allowing a large scale integration of many devices on a single semiconductor chip.
Позитивная иррациональность. Как извлекать выгоду из своих нелогичных поступков
В этой книге он сосредоточился на позитивных аспектах нашей иррациональности — на тех моментах, которые работают нам во благо. Именно благодаря позитивной иррациональности мы привыкаем к новым условиям жизни, любим близких, получаем удовольствие от работы и завоевываем доверие окружающих.