Qurilish. Arxitektura
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Жаннат калити
Ушбу китобимизда " сабр " сўзининг луғавий ва истилоҳий маънолари, маскур сўзига уламолар томонидан берилган таъриф - у тафсифлар, сабрнинг фазилати, турлари, унинг хукумлари, сабрсизлик оқибати ва шу каби мухум масалаларга тўхталиб ўтмоқчимиз.
Quantum Mechanics - Concepts and Applications
The minimal set of postulates in classical mechanics is already very well known and hence it is a much easier subject to present to a student. In quantum mechanics such a set is usually not identified in text books which, I believe, is the major cause of fear of the subject among students. Very often, text books enumerate the postulates but continue to add further assumptions while solving individual problems. This is particularly disconcerting in quantum mechanics where, physical intuition being nonexistent, assumptions are difficult to justify. It is also necessary to separate the postulates from the sophisticated mathe matical techniques needed to solve problems. In doing this one may draw analogies from classical mechanics where the physical postulate is Newton's second law and everything else is creative mathematics for the purpose of using this law in different circumstances. In quantum mechanics the equivalent of Newton's second law is, of course, the Schrödinger equation. However, before using the Schrödinger equation it is necessary to understand the mathematical meanings of its components e.g. the wavefunction or the state vector. This, of course, is also true for Newton's law. There one needs to understand the relatively simple concept of particle trajectories.
Автор, ножницы, бумага. Как быстро писать впечатляющие тексты. 14 уроков
Я написал эту книгу потому, что искусство рассказчика – умение быть внятным, передавать смысл, объяснять сложное, говорить захватывающе – требует отдельного учебника. Такой предмет можно было бы назвать чем- то вроде «письменной риторики». Этому не учат почти нигде. Только в бою. Мне захотелось собрать все подходы и важные приемы под одной обложкой
The physical laws and mathematical structure that constitute the basis of quantum mechanics were derived by physicists, but subsequent applications became of interest not just to the physicists but also to chemists, biologists, medical scientists, engineers, and philosophers. Quantum mechanical descriptions of atomic and molecular structure are now taught in freshman chemistry and even in some high school chemistry courses. Sophisticated computer programs are routinely used for predicting the structures and geometries of large organic molecules or for the indentification and evaluation of new medicinal drugs. Engineers have incorporated the quantum mechanical tunneling effect into the design of new electronic devices, and philosophers have studied the consequences of some of the novel concepts of quantum mechanics. They have also compared the relative merits of different axiomatic approaches to the subject.
Molecular Biology of Kinetoplastid Parasites
The articles deal with the biology and biochemistry of different targets, molecular immunology in relation to immune evasion and immunotherapy, host–parasite interaction, cellular defence mechanism adopted by the parasites for survival, membrane architecture as targets, life cycle and epigenetic regulation of the parasites.
Quantum Information Theory and The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
This thesis is a contribution to the debate on the implications of quantum information theory for the foundational problems of quantum mechanics. In Part I an attempt is made to shed some light on the nature of information and quantum information theory. It is emphasized that the everyday notion of information is to be firmly distinguished from the technical notions arising in information theory; however it is maintained that in both settings ‘information’ functions as an abstract noun, hence does not refer to a particular or substance. The popular claim ‘Information is Physical’ is assessed and it is argued that this proposition faces a destructive dilemma. Accordingly, the slogan may not be understood as an ontological claim, but at best, as a methodological one. A novel argument is provided against Dretske’s (1981) attempt to base a semantic notion of information on ideas from information theory.
Архитектор Карл Шмидт : жизнь и творчество
Карл Шмидт - талантливый петербургский архитектор раннего модерна. Среди его лучших построек - здание фирмы Фаберже, особняк Форостовского, доходные дома Кёнига и Шульце, дворец княгини Палей в Царском Селе, собственная дача в Павловске. Книгу, основанную на воспоминаниях самого архитектора, написала его внучка. Детство Карла, годы его учебы и профессиональной деятельности, вынужденный отъезд семьи Шмидтов в Германию - всё это подробно запечатлено автором на фоне быта русских немцев начала х х века. Биографию дополняет обширный очерк историка архитектуры Бориса Кирикова. Книга содержит около 200 фотографий из личного архива, справочный аппарат, родословное древо семей Шмидтов - Фаберже, хронику жизни зодчего. Издание адресовано историкам архитектуры, искусствоведам и всем, кто интересуется архитектурой Санкт-Петербурга.
Жаҳон миқёсида мавжуд институтлар фаолиятини аниқ мақсадга йўналтирилган ҳолда ўзгартириш, яъни ислоҳотларни ягона қолип ва услублар асосида амалга ошириб бўлмаслиги, Жаҳон банки, ХВФ, АҚШ молия вазирлиги ва Вашингтон халқаро иқтисодиёт институти иқтисодчилари таклиф этган "Вашингтон консенсуси" стратегияси чора-тадбирлари Лотин Америкаси, қатор Африка давлатларида кутилган натижани бермагани, Жанубий ва Шарқий Осиёда, жумладан, Хитой ва Ҳиндистонда эса юқори даражадаги иқтисодий ўсишга ва қашшоқликни камайтириш имкониятини берганлиги ушбу муаммони янада чуқурроқ ўрганишни тақозо этади.
Quantum Gravity, Generalized Theory of Gravitation, and SuperstringTheory-Based Unification
“Orbis Scientiae 1999” constitutes the 28th conference on High Energy Physics and Cosmology that were begun in 1964. It has now become an institution by itself under the aegis of which the physicists convene annually in South Florida. It created a Belle Époque in Coral Gables. The series of Orbis Scientiae started with the participants of highest distinction in physics of the 20th Century. After its first two decades the conferences have been placed in the hands of younger and promising physicists. The 1999 meeting was the last conference of the millennium. The topics that were covered did not give the impression of laying the foundations of great advancements in theoretical physics. Work on such concepts as strings or super strings, is being actively pursued. It is ofcourse true that revolutions in physics are not frequent. Finding the neutrino massiveness was quite exciting but did not provide enough basis for further progress in the field of neutrino physics.
Бизнес-копирайтинг. Как писать серьезные тексты для серьезных людей
Интересно при этом, тщательно ли следят люди за имиджем, формирующимся благодаря их текстовым обращениям? Недавно, 24 апреля 2014 года, на конференции iForum, проходившей в Киеве, во время своего выступления (а в зале тогда было минимум 800 человек) я произнес и попросил всех записать фразу: «Я – это то, что я публикую в интернете». Тогда мы говорили о контенте в глобальной сети.
Quantum Gravity
A dream I have long held was to write a "treatise" on quantum gravity once the theory had been finally found and experimentally confirmed. We are not yet there. There isn't either experimental support nor large theoretical consensus. Still, a large amount of work has been developed over the last twenty years towards a quantum theory of spacetime. Many issues have been clarified, and a definite approach has crystallized. The approach, variously denoted, is mostly known as "loop quantum gravity". The problem of quantum gravity has many aspects. Ideas and results are scattered in the literature. In this book I have attempted to collect the main results and to present an overall perspective on quantum gravity, as developed during this period. The point of view is personal and the choice of subjects is determined by my own interests. I apologize with friends and colleagues for what is missing: the reason so much is missing is in my own limits, for which I am the first to he sorry.
Юксак маънавият - енгилмас куч
Ушбу асарда ёритилган мухим масалалар кейнги пайтда янада долзарб аҳамият касб этиб бораётгани туфайли юртмиздаги давлат ва нодавлат ташкилотлар, таълим муассалари, оддий юртдошларимиз томонидан "Юксак маънавият - енгилмас куч" китобини қайта нашир этиш ҳақидаги билдирилган кўплаб таклифларни эътиборга олган ҳолда, мазкур китоб иккинчи бор нашр этилмоқда.
Universities and Regional Engagement From the Exceptional to the Everyday
This edited book provides a perspective into how higher education institutions and other agents operate by using a unique three tier macro, meso, and micro lens to view such relationships and the interplay of universities and educational providers with their external environment. This book is both timely and rewarding to the reader in providing such a rich conceptual framework and it covers a wide and diverse set of case studies across the globe.
Ҳозирда жаҳоннинг ривожланаётган мамлакатларида инвестиция фаолиятини молиялаштириш амалиётини такомиллаштириш, хусусан, уларнинг янги молиялаштириш манбаларидан фойдаланиш даражасини ошириш, компаниялар инвестицион фаолиятини молиялаштириш амалиётига инновацион усулларни жорий этишга бағишланган илмий тадқиқотлар амалга оширилмоқда. Хусусан, мазкур мамлакатлар амалиётида инфляция даражаси юқорилиги ҳамда инвестицион муҳит жозибадорлиги нисбатан пастлиги, молиялаштириш манбаларининг барқарор эмаслиги натижасида корхона ва ташкилотларнинг инвестицион фаолиятини молиялаштириш амалиётига таъсир этаётган салбий жиҳатларни бартараф этиш илмий тадқиқотнинг муҳим йўналишларидан ҳисобланади.
Переключайтесь Как меняться, когда это непросто
Эта книга о том, как примирять внутренние противоречия, разрешать конфликты между рациональным и эмоциональным мышлением и добиваться выдающихся преобразований в компаниях, обществе и личной жизни. Братья Хиз показывают, что перемены — не такая уж сложная штука, как мы привыкли думать. Чтобы добиться изменений легко и надолго, достаточно лишь понять, как работает наш мозг.