Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics
The material in this book originated from attempts to understand and systemize numerical solution techniques for the partial differential equations governing the physics of fluid flow. As time went on and these attempts began to crystallize, underlying constraints on the nature of the material began to form. The principal such constraint was the demand for unification. Was there one mathematical structure which could be used to describe the behavior and results of most numerical methods in common use in the field of fluid dynamics? Perhaps the answer is arguable, but the authors believe the answer is affirmative and present this book as justification for that be- lief. The mathematical structure is the theory of linear algebra and the attendant eigenanalysis of linear systems.
Fundamentals In Nuclear Physics
Nuclear physics began one century ago during the “miraculous decade” between 1895 and 1905 when the foundations of practically all modern physics were established. The period started with two unexpected spinoffs of the Crooke’s vacuum tube: Roentgen’s X-rays (1895) and Thomson’s electron (1897), the first elementary particle to be discovered. Lorentz and Zeemann developed the the theory of the electron and the influence of magnetism on radiation. Quantum phenomenology began in December, 1900 with the appearance of Planck’s constant followed by Einstein’s 1905 proposal of what is now called the photon. In 1905, Einstein also published the theories of relativity and of Brownian motion, the ultimate triumph of Boltzman’s statistical theory, a year before his tragic death. For nuclear physics, the critical discovery was that of radioactivity by Becquerel in 1896.
Саломатлик калити ёхуд кўзойнаксиз ҳаёт сари
Ушбу китоб саҳифаларида, қолаверса, ҳар бир сатрлар орасида яширинган маъно-мазмунни англаш , қалб кўзи билан кўра олиш нарсаларнинг асл моҳиятини англай билиш қобилиятини аниқловчи синовдир.
Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis
The origins of this book can be found years ago when I was a doctoral candidate working on my thesis and finding that I needed numerical tools that I should have been taught years before. In the intervening decades, little has changed except for the worse. All fields of science have undergone an information explosion while the computer revolution has steadily and irrevocability been changing our lives. Although the crystal ball of the future is at best "seen through a glass darkly", most would declare that the advent of the digital electronic computer will change civilization to an extent not seen since the coming of the steam engine. Computers with the power that could be offered only by large institutions a decade ago now sit on the desks of individuals. Methods of analysis that were only dreamed of three decades ago are now used by students to do homework exercises. Entirely new methods of analysis have appeared that take advantage of computers to perform logical and arithmetic operations at great speed. Perhaps students of the future may regard the multiplication of two two-digit numbers without the aid of a calculator in the same vein that we regard the formal extraction of a square root. The whole approach to scientific analysis may change with the advent of machines that communicate orally. However, I hope the day never arrives when the investigator no longer understands the nature of the analysis done by the machine.
Легенды и мифы Древней Японии
Издание является настоящей энциклопедией, рассказывающей о японских мифах и преданиях, начиная с цикла легенд о сотворении страны, приключений богов и героев до преданий, связанных с цветами, народными праздниками и суевериями. Всего в книге тридцать одна глава, и каждая из них посвящена отдельной теме. К примеру, отдельные циклы легенд посвящены лисам-оборотням или историям, связанным с морем. Другие главы рассказывают про мифических животных, сверхъестественных существах и буддийских легендах. Книга украшена несколькими сотнями великолепных цветных репродукций японских гравюр XVII - начала XX веков.
Инсонни ўрганиш илми
Инсоннинг кўриниши, юриш-туришига, унинг ички оламини кўра олиш учун инсонни яхши билиши лозим. Бу борада ушбу китоб ёрдам беради
Дефекты и диффузия в эпитаксиальных структурах
В монографии излагаются физические основы процессов диффузии и дефектообразования в полупроводниковых энитаксиальных гетеро- и гомоструктурах. Рассматриваются особенности диффузионного легирования эпитаксиальных структур, связанные с взаимодействием примесных атомов с дефектами кристаллической решетки, полями упругих напряжений и контактными электрическими полями. Приведен математический анализ диффузионной задачи применительно к эпитаксиальным структурам.
A book like this depends on the work others have dedicated their careers to producing, others more specialized than I. Various cosmologists gave of their time to discuss modern cosmology, most notably Paul Steinhardt and David Spergel at Princeton and Jim Bardeen at the University of Washington. Information from discussions with Tom Siegfried, Charles Seife, and Phil Schewe—all great science writers—is also scattered throughout the book. Much of chapter 3 relies heavily on the ideas and research of Helge Kragh, professor of history of science at Aarhus University in Denmark. The standard story of how the big bang theory came to be accepted has been told so many times that it has turned into a modern myth. Professor Kragh, and historians like him, provide constant reminders that science doesn’t move in the perfect progression we’ve all been taught. He graciously offered advice and information, and his book Cosmology and Controversy was invaluable. Other fantastic books that were particularly helpful: The Big Bang by Joseph Silk, Blind Watchers of the Sky by Rocky Kolb, Afterglow of Creation by Marcus Chown, The Dancing Universe by Marcelo Gleiser, and The Runaway Universe by Donald Goldsmith.
Янги Ўзбекистоннинг 7 зафарли йили
Маълумки, ижтимоий тараққиёт асосида ҳао турли фалсафий, сиёсий, диний ва бошқа мазмундаги назария ҳамда таълимотлар ўртасидаги курашлар ётади. Илмий ғоялар ҳам шулар орасиа киради ва инсоният дунёқарашининг шаклланишида уларнинг жуда катта ўрни бор. Китоб кенг китобхонлар оммасига мўлжалланган.
Fourier Transforms in Spectroscopy
How much should a good spectroscopist know about Fourier transforms? How well should a professional who uses them as a tool in his/her work understand their behavior? Our belief is, that a profound insight of the characteristics of Fourier transforms is essential for their successful use, as a superficial knowledge may easily lead to mistakes and misinterpretations. But the more the professional knows about Fourier transforms, the better he/she can apply all those versatile possibilities offered by them. On the other hand, people who apply Fourier transforms are not, generally, mathematicians. Learning unnecessary details and spending years in specializing in the heavy mathematics which could be connected to Fourier transforms would, for most users, be a waste of time. We believe that there is a demand for a book which would cover understandably those topics of the transforms which are important for the professional, but avoids going into unnecessarily heavy mathematical details. This book is our effort to meet this demand.
Янги Ўзбекистоннинг истеъдодли ёшлари
"Янги Ўзбекистоннинг истеъдодли ёшлари" тўпламининг иккинчи жилдига республикадаги олий таълим муассасаларининг магистратура, бакалавриат босқичларида таълим олаётган истеъдодли ёшлар, доктарантлар, шунингдек, вазирлик ва идораларда ўз фаолияти билан бир қаторда изланишлар олиб бораётган ёш идораларда ўз фаолияти билан бир қаторда изланишлар олиб бораётган ёш олимларнинг илмий тадқиқотлари натижалари жамланган. Тўплам ёш олимлар, тадқиқотчи-изланувчилар, талабалар кенг аудиториясига мўлжалланган.
Суҳбатдошни сирли бошқариш
Бу китобда психологик технология, мулоқотнинг психофизиологик ва этик усулларини ёритилган
Foundations of Fluid Mechanics
The imagination is stricken by the substantial conceptual identity between the problems met in the theoretical study of physical phenomena. It is abso- lutely unexpected and surprising, whether one studies equilibrium statistical mechanics, or quantum field theory, or solid state physics, or celestial mechanics, harmonic analysis, elasticity, general relativity or fluid mechanics and chaos in turbulence. So that when in 1988 I was made chair of Fluid Mechanics at the Università La Sapienza, not to recognize work I did on the subject (there was none) but, rather, to avoid my teaching mechanics, from which I could have a strong cultural influence on mathematical physics in Roma, I was not excessively worried, although I was clearly in the wrong place. The subject is wide, hence in the last decade I could do nothing else but go through books and libraries looking for something that was within the range of the methods and experiences of my past work.
Дарслик педаготика инститўтларининг география мутахассислиги студентлари учун табиий география курси бўйича янги программа асосида тузилди. Материклар характеристикаси умумий ва регионал обзордан иборат. Автор Евросиѐ ва Африка материкларининг барча табиий компонентлари, рельефи, фойдали қазилмалари, иқлими, гидрографияси, тупроғи, ўсимлик ва ҳайвонот дунѐсини бир-бири билан ва инcoн хўжалик фаолияти билан ўзаро боғланган ҳолда ѐритиб беради.
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