Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
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Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Подготовлено на основе типовых программ и учебно-методических комплексов по экономической географии для студентов экономических специальностей высших учебных заведений. Изложены основные теоретические положения науки, а также представлен экономико- географический анализ России и ее региональных особенностей на современном этапе. Учебное пособие содержит 48 таблиц и 8 рисунков. Предназначено для студентов экономических специальностей университетов очной, очно-заочной и заочной (в том числе дистанционной) форм обучения.
fluid mechanics
The aim of this series is to provide an inexpensive source of fully solved problems in a wide range of mathematical topics. Initial volumes cater mainly for the needs of first-year and some second-year undergraduates (and other comparable students) in mathematics, engineering and the physical sciences, but later ones deal also with more advanced material. To allow the optimum amount of space to be devoted to problem solving, explanatory text and theory is generally kept to a minimum, and the scope of each book is carefully limited to permit adequate coverage. The books are devised to be used in conjunction with standard lecture courses in place of, or alongside, conventional texts. They will be especially useful to the student as an aid to solving exercises set in lecture courses. Normally, further problems with answers are included as exercises for the reader. This book provides the beginning student in theoretical Fluid Mechanics with all the salient results together with solutions to problems which he is likely to meet in his examinations. Whilst the essentials of basic theory are either explained, discussed or fully developed according to importance, the accent of the work is an explanation by illustration through the medium of worked examples. The coverage is essentially first- or second-year level and the book will be valuable to all students reading for a degree or diploma in pure or applied science where fluid mechanics is part of the course.
Бой ота тавсия қилади ёхуд (улкан маблағ яратиш санъати)
Ушбу китоб: • даромадга эга булиш, харидорларни жалб цилиш ва куп миқдордаги битимларни тузишга кўмаклашувчи бешта оддий, бирок, муҳим усулларни сизга очиб беради; • бизнесменларни бешта зотини таништириб утади;
The content and treatment in this edition remain in accordance with what was said in the preface to the first edition (see below). My chief care in revising and augmenting has been to comply with this principle. Despite the lapse of thirty years, the previous edition has, with very slight exceptions, not gone out of date. Its material has been only fairly slightly supplemented and modified. About ten new sections have been added. In recent decades, fluid mechanics has undergone extremely rapid development, and there has accordingly been a great increase in the literature of the subject. The development has been mainly in applications, however, and in an increasing complexity of the problems accessible to theoretical calculation (with or without computers). These include, in particular, various problems of instability and its development, including non- linear regimes. All such topics are beyond the scope of our book; in particular, stability problems are discussed, as previously, mainly in terms of results.
Ўзбекистон Республикаси Фуқаролик кодексига шарҳ
Ушбу нашрнинг биринчи жилдида Фуқаролик кодекси биринчи қисмининг моддаларига Шарҳ берилган бўлиб, унда шахслар фуқаролик қонун ҳужжатларнинг (фуқаролар ва юридик шахслар), фуқаролик ҳуқуқининг объектлари ва субъектлари, мулк ҳуқуқи ва бошқа ашёвий ҳуқуқлари, мажбурият ҳуқуқининг асослари тўғрисидаги асосий қоидалари ўз аксини топган
Жаҳонда техника тараққиёти ва инновацияларга асосланган ишлаб чикаришни ривожлантириш, иқтисодиётнинг рақобатбардошлигини ошириш ва барқарор ривожланишни таъминлаш оркали кўпроқ сифат кўрсаткичларига эришишга алоҳида эътибор қаратилмоқда. Шу муносабат билан тараққий этган ва ривожланаётган мамлакатлар ўртасидаги инвестицияларга бўлган талабни ўсиши, халқаро инвестиция оқимларини тартибга солишнинг хуқуқий-иқтисодий муаммоларини ҳал этишга, мамлакат иқтисодиётига инвестицияларни фаол жалб этиш орқали инновацион иқтисодиётни жадал ривожлантиришга бағишланган мақсадли илмий изланишлар янада жадаллашмоқда.
The Age of Einstein
This book had its origin in a one-year course that I taught at Yale throughout the decade of the 1970’s. The course was for non-science majors who were interested in learning about the major branches of Physics. In the first semester, emphasis was placed on Newtonian and Einsteinian Relativity. The recent popularity of the Einstein exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, prompted me to look again at my fading lecture notes. I found that they contained material that might be of interest to today’s readers. I have therefore reproduced them with some additions, mostly of a graphical nature. I recall the books that were most influential in my approach to the subject at that time; they were Max Born’s The Special Theory of Relativity, Robert Adair’s Concepts of Physics, and Casper and Noer’s Revolutions in Physics. These three books were written with the non-scientist in mind, and they showed what could be achieved in this important area of teaching and learning; I am greatly indebted to these authors.
Eurocentrism in European History and Memory
A discipline is a working community of specialists: academics who apply a specific method to a specific corpus. Disciplines are much less stringently defined than specialisms. A discipline, as a working community, can bring very diverse types of specialists together.
Халқаро иқтисодиётнинг глобаллашув жараёнлари ривожланиш тенденциялари таҳлили инвестиция фаолияти ва уни диверсификациялаш, қулай инвестиция муҳитини яратишда давлатнинг бевосита қўллаб-қувватлаш ролини ошириш зарурлигини кўрсатмоқда. Давлатнинг инвесторларни молиявий қўллаб-қувватлаш бўйича қабул қилган чора-тадбирлари мамлакатда қулай инвестиция муҳитини яратиш имконни беради.
Field Theory
This book presents the basic theory of fields, starting more or less from the beginning. It is suitable for a graduate course in field theory, or independent study. The reader is expected to have taken an undergraduate course in abstract algebra, not so much for the material it contains but in order to gain a certain level of . mathematical maturity The book begins with a preliminary chapter (Chapter 0), which is designed to be quickly scanned or skipped and used as a reference if needed. The remainder of the book is divided into three parts.
Field Geophysics
The purpose of this book is to help anyone involved in small-scale geophysical surveys. It is not a textbook in the traditional sense, in that it is designed for use in the field and concerns itself with practical matters – with theory taking second place. Where theory determines field practice, it is stated, not developed or justified. For example, no attempt is made to explain why four-electrode resistivity works where two-electrode surveys do not. The book does not deal with marine, airborne or downhole geophysics, nor with deep seismic reflection work. In part this is dictated by the space available, but also by the fact that such surveys are usually carried out by quite large field crews, at least some of whom, it is to be hoped, are both experienced and willing to spread the benefit of that experience more widely.
The Italian Diaspora in South Africa Nostalgia, Identity, and Belonging in the Second and Third Generations
This book investigates the experiences of second- and third-generation Italians living in South Africa, exploring how nostalgia for Italy influences their sense of identity and belonging.
Fiber Bragg Gratings
The field of fiber Bragg gratings is almost exactly twenty years old, dating back to its discovery by Ken Hill and co-workers in Canada. It grew slowly at first, but an important technological advance by Gerry Meltz and coworkers 10 years later, renewed worldwide interest in the subject. I was instrumental in setting up the first International Symposium on photosensitivity of optical fibers, jointly with Francois Ouellette in 1991, a meeting with 22 presentations and attended by approximately 50 researchers. Since, we have seen three further international conferences solely devoted to fiber Bragg gratings, the last of which was attended by approximately 300 researchers. As the applications of Bragg gratings are numerous, publications appear in widely differing conferences and journals. Surprisingly, apart from several review articles covering the most elementary aspects, no monograph is available on the subject and the quantity of available literature is spread across a number of specialist journals and proceedings of conferences. Thus, progress and the current state of the art are difficult to track, despite the approaching maturity of the field. More recently, poling of glass optical fibers has resulted in an electrooptic coefficient almost rivaling that of lithium niobate.
Бахтиёр оила
Ушбу китоб оилавий ҳаётнинг яхшиланиши, оилавий бахтнинг мукаммалроқ бўлишига ҳисса бўлса, ажаб эмас, деган ният билан ёзилди. Аллоҳ таолодан унинг ҳаммамиз учун фойдали бўлади
Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy
The embryonic development of femtoscience stems from advances made in the generation of ultrashort laser pulses. Beginning with mode-locking of glass lasers in the 1960s, the development of dye lasers brought the pulse width down from picoseconds to femtoseconds. The breakthrough in solid state laser pulse generation provided the current reliable table-top laser systems capable of average power of about 1 watt, and peak power density of easily watts per square centimeter, with pulse widths in the range of four to eight femtoseconds. Pulses with peak power density reaching watts per square centimeter have been achieved in laboratory settings and, more recently, pulses of sub-femtosecond duration have been successfully generated.
Rechtes Denken, rechte Räume? Demokratiefeindliche Entwicklungen und ihre räumlichen Kontexte
Der Kampf um Räume gehört seit jeher zum Kernbestand historischer nationalso-zialistischer Ansprüche auf »Lebensräume« ganzer Staaten und aktueller rechts-extremer Bewegungen und Parteien zur Demonstration von Macht in Dörfern oder Stadtteilen. Heute werden solche Bestrebungen u.a.