Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Жаҳон бошқарув тизимида инсон омилини фаоллаштириш ва инсон тараққиёти индексини баҳолаш механизмларини такомиллаштириш йўналишидаги илмий тадқиқотларга алоҳида эътибор қаратилмоқда. Мазкур йўналишда амалга оширилаётган тадқиқотларда иш жойларини интеллектуаллашув даражасини ошириш, иш жойининг меҳнат унумдорлиги ва унинг асосий фондлар даражасига нисбатан устунлиги, инсон капиталига инвестициялардан олинадиган фойдани техникага капитал қўйилмалардан олинадиган фойдадан кўра янада ошириш, инсон тараққиёти индекси услубиётини инсон фаолиятининг сифат ва миқдор жиҳатлар билан тўлдириш асосида такомиллаштириш масаларига устувор даражада қаралмоқда.
Electrical Engineering
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint. Except as permitted under U.S. Copyright Law, no part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers.
Халқаро амалиёт учун муҳим ҳисобланган стратегик, ноль қийматли, кайзен, фаолият турлари бўйича, партиципаторли, ташаббус тарзидаги, гендер асосида, HR, натижавийликка асосланган каби бошқарув ҳисобида бюджетлаштиришни такомиллаштириш йўналишлари бўйича кенг қамровли тадқиқотлар амалга оширилмоқда. Мазкур халкаро тадқиқотларнинг натижалари мамлакатимизда ҳам бу борада мавжуд илмий ишланмаларни етарли эмаслиги ва илмий тадқиқотлар олиб бориш зарурлигини кўрсатмоқда.
Духовная культура Китая: энциклопедия: в 5 т. Том 2: Мифология. Религия
Том «Мифология. Религия» энциклопедии «Духовная культура Китая» тесно связан с томом «Философия» (вышел в 2006 г.). Оба тома посвящены единому духовному комплексу философско-теологической мысли и религиозно-мифологического сознания, основанному на общей терминологической, текстологической и ритуально-литургической базе. Каждый том состоит из Общего, Словарного и Справочного разделов. Общий раздел содержит развернутые теоретические статьи и исторические очерки, отражающие магистральные темы затрагиваемой области. В Словарном разделе представлены основные понятия, категории, мифологемы, культы, ритуалы, духи, божества, школы, течения, канонические произведения, персоналии. Справочный раздел включает избранную библиографию, хронологическую таблицу, указатели.
Evolutionary Biology: A Plant Perspective
This book was initiated as a result of my experience developing a course in plant evolutionary biology. The first day of class, I challenged the students to list unique characteristics of plants and to think about how these features affected the patterns and modes of plant evolution. This became the theme for the course and eventu ally for this text. As we worked through each topic, I continued to find examples of aspects of the biology and ecology of plants that had implications for evolutionary processes. I was motivated to begin writing reviews of topics that were not covered in the text we were using in class. As the term progressed, I continued writing to fill in gaps, and very soon, I had most of the outline for this book.
Духовная культура Китая: энциклопедия: в 5 т. Том 1: Философия
Первый том энциклопедического издания «Духовная культура Китая» посвящен истории китайской философии с древнейших времен до наших дней. Он состоит из трех разделов. Общий раздел содержит статьи и очерки, которые отражают главные темы и проблемы китайской философии. В Словарном разделе представлены термины китайской философии, памятники философской мысли, философские школы и направления, доктрины, идеологические течения, движения, общества, персоналии китайских философов. Справочный раздел включает указатели, тематическую библиографию, карты Китая разных эпох, хронологическую таблицу, а также список авторов тома с перечислением написанных ими статей и список основных источников иллюстраций.
Имом Мотуридий
Ёзувчи Луқмон Бўрихон ушбу романида олис Х аср бошларидаги кўҳна Самарқанднинг сиёсий-ижтимоий, маърифий ҳаётидан айрим лавҳаларни қаламга олади.
Qashqadaryo viloyati O’zbekiston Respublikasi tarkibidagi viloyat hisoblanib, 1924-yil 1-noyabrda tashkil etilgan, 1927-yil 17- fevraldan 1938-yil 15- yanvargacha Qashqadaryo okrugi maqomida bo’lgan, 1938-yil 15- yanvarda Buxoro viloyatiga qo’shib yuborildi. 1943- yil 20- yanvarda qayta tashkil etildi. 1960- yil 20- yanvarda Surxondaryo viloyatiga qo’shildi. 1964- yil 7-fevraldan yangidan tashkil etildi. Respublikaning janubiy-g’arbida, Qashqadaryo havzasida, Pomir-oloy tog’ tizmasining g’arbiy chekkasida, Amudaryo va Zarafshon tizma tog’lari orasida, shimoli-g’arbdan Buxoro, janubi-sharqdanSurxondaryo,janubi vag’arbdanTurkmaniston, sharqdan Tojikiston va Samarqand viloyatlari bilan chegaradosh
The Economics of the Modern Construction Sector
No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 0LP.
Construction Economics
The aim of this book is to introduce students and practitioners of construction and property to economics, with a view to preparing them for a professional life in which they will inevitably discuss the topics raised here with clients as well as professionals from the financial world. It is essential that the comments and contributions of the planner, developer, architect, engineer, builder and surveyor are well informed and expressed in the vocabulary of colleagues in the other professions.The study of economics will also give them the ability and the confidence to communicate with professionals from other disciplines.
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use. Neither this book nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.
Determinants and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics
This book contains a number of features which cannot be found in any other book. Prominent among these are the extensive applications of scaled cofactors and column vectors and the inclusion of a large number of relations containing derivatives. Older books give their readers the impression that the theory of determinants is almost entirely algebraic in nature. If the elements in an arbitrary determinant A are functions of a continuous variable x, then A possesses a derivative with respect to x. The formula for this derivative has been known for generations, but its application to the solution of nonlinear differential equations is a recent development. The first five chapters are purely mathematical in nature and contain old and new proofs of several old theorems together with a number of theorems, identities, and conjectures which have not hitherto been published. Some theorems, both old and new, have been given two independent proofs on the assumption that the reader will find the methods as interesting and important as the results.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright owner.
The map, for its part, was meant to be Hitler and Stalin’s last word on the territories concerned. In particular, it outlined the border between the German and Soviet spheres of infl uence. Reviewing the course of this bor-der, Stalin made an adjustment with a blue pencil.
Мазкур ўқув қўлланмада ҳозирги замон фан ва техника ютуқларини инобатга олган ҳолда минерал заррачаларни бир биридан ажратиш усуллари: гравитация, флотация, магнит ва электр майдонларида фойдали қазилмаларни бойитиш жарёнларининг назариялари келтирилган. Ҳар бир жараён учун саноатда ишлатиладиган дастгоҳлар тўғрисида қисқача маълумот келтирилган.