San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
The first edition of this text appeared in 1950, and it was so well received that it went through a second printing the very next year. Throughout the next three decades it maintained its position as the acknowledged standard text for the introductory Classical Mechanics course in graduate level physics curricula through- out the United States, and in many other countries around the world. Some major institutions also used it for senior level undergraduate Mechanics. Thirty years later, in 1980, a second edition appeared which was "a through-going revision of the first edition." The preface to the second edition contains the following statement: "I have tried to retain, as much as possible, the advantages of the first edition while taking into account the developments of the subject itself, its position in the curriculum, and its applications to other fields." This is the philosophy which has guided the preparation of this third edition twenty more years later. The second edition introduced one additional chapter on Perturbation Theory, and changed the ordering of the chapter on Small Oscillations. In addition it added a significant amount of new material which increased the number of pages by about 68%. This third edition adds still one more new chapter on Nonlinear Dynamics or Chaos, but counterbalances this by reducing the amount of material in several of the other chapters, by shortening the space allocated to appendices, by considerably reducing the bibliography, and by omitting the long lists of symbols. Thus the third edition is comparable in size to the second.
The harmony of colour series. Ghosts and ghouls
Stressed out at work? Are the pressures of the world getting you down? We guarantee relaxation with these complex Zen and anti-stress colouring pages for adults. The Harmony of Colour Series offers detailed images and patterns that are chosen by experts for their soothing properties. Be aware of the overall harmony of your colouring rather than focusing on each element individually. Try to balance the colors so that they are a reflection of your emotions of the moment. If the colours of your page are in harmony, then your mind will follow! Now... grab your pencils or texts and de-stress...
The harmony of colour series. Easter parade
Stressed out at work? Are the pressures of the world getting you down? We guarantee relaxation with these complex Zen and anti-stress colouring pages for adults. The Harmony of Colour Series offers detailed images and patterns that are chosen by experts for their soothing properties. Be aware of the overall harmony of your colouring rather than focusing on each element individually. Try to balance the colors so that they are a reflection of your emotions of the moment. If the colours of your page are in harmony, then your mind will follow! Now... grab your pencils or texts and de-stress...
The harmony of colour series. Amazing autumn
Stressed out at work? Are the pressures of the world getting you down? We guarantee relaxation with these complex Zen and anti-stress colouring pages for adults. The Harmony of Colour Series offers detailed images and patterns that are chosen by experts for their soothing properties. Be aware of the overall harmony of your colouring rather than focusing on each element individually. Try to balance the colors so that they are a reflection of your emotions of the moment. If the colours of your page are in harmony, then your mind will follow! Now... grab your pencils or texts and de-stress...
The gradient of a function is most easily visualized for a two dimensional finction φ(x, y) where x and y are the latitude and longtitude and φ is the height of a hill. In this case surfaces of constant φ will just be like the contour lines on a map. Given our discovery above that the direction of the gradient is in the direction of steepest ascent and the magnitude is the slope in this direction, then it is obvious that if we let a smooth rock roll down a hill then it will start to roll in the direction of the gradient with a speed proportional to the magnitude of the gradient. Thus the direction and magnitude of the gradient is the same as the direction and speed that a rock will take when rolling freely down a hill. If the gradient vanishes, then that means that you are standing on a local flat spot such as a summit or valley and a rock will remain stationary at that spot
The harmony of colour series. Fairy glade
Stressed out at work? Are the pressures of the world getting you down? We guarantee relaxation with these complex Zen and anti-stress colouring pages for adults. The Harmony of Colour Series offers detailed images and patterns that are chosen by experts for their soothing properties. Be aware of the overall harmony of your colouring rather than focusing on each element individually. Try to balance the colors so that they are a reflection of your emotions of the moment. If the colours of your page are in harmony, then your mind will follow! Now... grab your pencils or texts and de-stress...
Classical Electrodynamics
This is a collection of my answers to problems from a graduate course in electrodynamics. These problems are mainly from the book by Jackson 3, hut appended are some practice problems. My answers are by no means guaranteed to be perfect, but I hope they will provide the reader with a guideline to understand the problems. Throughout these notes I will refer to equations and pages of Jackson and Duffin 2. The latter is a textbook in electricity and magnetism that I used as an undergraduate student. References to equations starting with a "D" are from the book by Duffin. Accordingly, equations starting with the letter "I" refer to Jackson. In general, primed variables denote vectors or components of vectors related to the distance between source and origin, Unprimed coordinates refer to the location of the point of interest.
The harmony of colour series. Underwater kingdom
Stressed out at work? Are the pressures of the world getting you down? We guarantee relaxation with these complex Zen and anti-stress colouring pages for adults. The Harmony of Colour Series offers detailed images and patterns that are chosen by experts for their soothing properties. Be aware of the overall harmony of your colouring rather than focusing on each element individually. Try to balance the colors so that they are a reflection of your emotions of the moment. If the colours of your page are in harmony, then your mind will follow! Now... grab your pencils or texts and de-stress...
Classical electromagnetic theory, together with classical and quan- tum mechanics, forms the core of present-day theoretical training for undergraduate and graduate physicists. A thorough grounding in these subjects is a requirement for more advanced or specialized training. Typically the undergraduate program in electricity and magnetism involves two or perhaps three semesters beyond elementary physics, with the emphasis on the fundamental laws, laboratory verification and elaboration of their consequences, circuit analysis, simple wave phenomena, and radiation. The mathematical tools utilized include vector calculus, ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients, Fourier series, and perhaps Fourier or Laplace transforms, partial differential equations, Legendre polynomials, and Bessel functions.
The harmony of colour series. Pups and cubs
Stressed out at work? Are the pressures of the world getting you down? We guarantee relaxation with these complex Zen and anti-stress colouring pages for adults. The Harmony of Colour Series offers detailed images and patterns that are chosen by experts for their soothing properties. Be aware of the overall harmony of your colouring rather than focusing on each element individually. Try to balance the colors so that they are a reflection of your emotions of the moment. If the colours of your page are in harmony, then your mind will follow! Now... grab your pencils or texts and de-stress...
Learn writing
Qo'lingizdagi risola ko'plab shu turdagi nashrlardan ingliz tilida yozma nutq ko'nikmalarini hosil qilish va shakllantirishga qaratilganligi bilan farq qiladi. Kitob garchi kimyo-biologiya mutaxassisligi bo'yicha ta'lim olayotgan talabalarga mo'ljallangan bo'lsa-da, ingliz tilini o'rganayotgan barcha qiziquvchilar uchun ham foydadan xoli emas. Umid qilamizki, qo'llanma ingliz tililidan bilim darajangizni oshirishga hissa qo'shgan manbalardan biri bo'lib qoladi.
Тадқиқот натижаларининг аҳамияти шундан иборатки, ишлаб чиқилган таклиф ва тавсияларнинг амалиётга татбиқ қилиниши автотранспорт хизматларини кўрсатувчи хўжалик юритувчи субъектларда ташкил этилган харажатлар ҳисоби усуллари, транспорт хизмат кўрсатиш тизими самарадорлиги ва бошқаруви борасидаги қарорларнинг илмий асосланганлик даражасини оширади.
The author has kept one popular feature of Jerry Marion's original book: the addition of historical footnotes spread throughout. Several users have indicated how valuable these historical comments have been. The history of physics has been almost eliminated from present-day curricula, and as a result, the student is frequently unaware of the background of a particular topic. These footnotes are intended to whet the appetite and to encourage the student to inquire into the history of his field.
The harmony of colour series. Springtime delights
Stressed out at work? Are the pressures of the world getting you down? We guarantee relaxation with these complex Zen and anti-stress colouring pages for adults. The Harmony of Colour Series offers detailed images and patterns that are chosen by experts for their soothing properties. Be aware of the overall harmony of your colouring rather than focusing on each element individually. Try to balance the colors so that they are a reflection of your emotions of the moment. If the colours of your page are in harmony, then your mind will follow! Now... grab your pencils or texts and de-stress...
Дунё миқёсида транспорт хизматларининг ривожланиши миллий транспорт хизматларининг ривожланишига туртки бўлмоқда. Транспорт хизматлари ривожланиши барча соҳаларнинг тараққий этишига таъсир кўрсатади. Жаҳонда ишлаб чиқариш ва халқаро савдонинг харакатини белгиловчи таркибий силжишлар жаҳон автомобиль транспорти соҳасида содир бўлаётган ўзгаришлар билан бевосита боғлиқ. Автомобиль транспорти корхоналарини иқтисодий таҳлил қилиш орқали ўрганиш бўйича замонавий тадқиқотлар олиб бориш талаб этилиши ва бунга объектив эҳтиёжнинг шаклланиши ушбу тадқиқотнинг жаҳон миқёсида бирдек долзарблигини кўрсатади.
Мамлакатимизда бугунги кунда автомобиль транспортини самарали ривожлантириш, замонавий ҳаракат воситалари билан етарли даражада таъминлаш ва рақобатбардошлигини ошириш юзасидан тизимли чора- тадбирлар амалга оширилмоқда. 2017-2021 йилларда Ўзбекистон Республикасини янада ривожлантиришнинг бешта устувор йўналиши Ҳаракатлар стратегиясида транспорт хизматларини кўрсатишни тубдан яхшилаш борасида алоҳида вазифалар белгилаб берилган.