Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qurilish. Arxitektura
This book is meant for students preparing for the B.A. and B.Sc. examinations of our universities. Some topics of the Honours standard have also been included. They are given in the form of appendices to the relevant chapters. The treatment of the subject is rigorous but no attempt has been made to state and prove the theorems in generalised forms and under less restrictive conditions as is the case with the Modern Theory of Function. It has also been a constant endeavour of the author to see that the subject is not presented just as a body of formulae. This is to see that the student does not form an unfortunate impression that the study of Calculus consists only in acquiring a skill to manipulate some formulae through 'constant drilling'.
Қадимий тарихий номлар халқ тарихининг ўзига хос даракчиларидир. Атокли отлар, ўзида лисоний хусусиятлардан ташқари, қимматли тарихий, этнографик, этикавий ва эстетик, диний- мифологик, географик, геологик, геофизик ва ҳаттоки ки археологик маълумотларни ҳам мужассам қилган бўлади. Атоқли отлар қадимий аждодларимиз бизга қолдирган буюк маданий, лисоний меросдир. Бу меросда халқимизнинг тарихий хотираси ўз ифодасини топган. Шу сабабли кейинги йилларда ўтмиш даврларга оид тарихий номларни тиклаш ва асрашга доир ҳаракатларнинг кучайганлиги сезилади.
The purpose of this introductory chapter is mainly to review briefly some familiar properties of sets, functions, and number theory. Although most of these properties are familiar to the reader, there are certain concepts and results which are basic to the understanding of the body of the text. This chapter is also used to set down the conventions and notations to be used throughout the book. Sets will always be denoted by capital letters. For example, we use the notation N for the set of positive integers, Z for the set of integers, Z# for the set of nonnegative integers, E for the set of even integers, Q for the set of rational numbers, Q+ for the set of positive rational numbers, Q for the set of nonzero rational numbers, R for the set of real numbers, R+ for the set of positive real numbers, R for the set of nonzero real numbers, C for the set of complex numbers, and C for the set of nonzero complex numbers.
Хожа Убайдуллоҳ Аҳрорнинг муриди ва издоши, нақшбандия тариқатининг атоқли шайхларидан бири Мавлоно Муҳаммад Қози XV аср охири ва XVI аср бошларида яшаб фаолият кўрсатган. Муҳаммад Қозининг асосий асари машҳур «Силсилат ул-орифин»дан ташқари, давлатни бошқариш юзасидан йўл-йўриқ ва насиҳатларни ўз ичига олган яна бир рисоласи XVI асрнинг нодир ёзма манбаларидан бўлган «Тарихи Рашидий» асари орқали бизгача етиб келган. Рисола Заҳириддин Муҳаммад Бобурнинг холаваччаси ва Муҳаммад Қозининг шогирди, яъни «Тарихи Рашидий» асарининг муаллифи Мирзо Муҳаммад Ҳайдарга бағишланган бўлиб, унинг саволларига жавоб тариқасида ёзилган.
Complex Variables
The main purpose of this second edition is essentially the same as the first edition with changes noted below. Accordingly, first we quote from the preface by Murray R. Spiegel in the first edition of this text. “The theory of functions of a complex variable, also called for brevity complex variables or complex analysis, is one of the beautiful as well as useful branches of mathematics. Although originating in an atmosphere of mystery, suspicion and distrust, as evidenced by the terms imaginary and complex present in the literature, it was finally placed on a sound foundation in the 19th century through the efforts of Cauchy, Riemann, Weierstrass, Gauss, and other great mathematicians.” “This book is designed for use as a supplement to all current standards texts or as a textbook for a formal course in complex variable theory and applications. It should also be of considerable value to those taking courses in mathematics, physics, aerodynamics, elasticity, and many other fields of science and engineering.” “Each chapter begins with a clear statement of pertinent definitions, principles and theorems together with illustrative and other descriptive material. This is followed by graded sets of solved and supplementary problems. ... Numerous proofs of theorems and derivations of formulas are included among the solved problems. The large number of supplementary problems with answers serve as complete review of the material of each chapter.”
Учебная программа разработана при технической и финансовой поддержке Представительства Всемирной Организации Здравоохранения в Узбекистане в рамках пилотного проекта ВОЗ/ПРООН «Адаптация системы здравоохранения к изменению климата», финансируемого Глобальным Экологическим Фондом (ГЭФ). Весь процесс разработки программы был организован и осуществлен при технической и финансовой поддержке Представительства ВОЗ в Узбекистане. Рабочая группа выражает особую благодарность Представительству ВОЗ в Узбекистане, в лице координатора проекта Др. Ходжаевой Н.Д.; Европейскому Региональному офису ВОЗ в Бонне, в лице Dr. Bettina Menne, менеджера программ по вопросам изменения климата и здоровья; Штаб-квартире ВОЗ в Женеве, в лице Dr. Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum и Dr. Elena Villalobos, департамент Общественного здравоохранения и окружающей среды; международному эксперту ВОЗ Dr. Michel Tailhades за оказанное содействие и ценные рекомендации.
Ҳаётлик чоғидаёқ орифлар султони деган номга сазовор бўлган Хожа Аҳмад Яссавий қабри Шарк мусулмонларининг муқаддас қадамжосидир. Насафий (Е. Березиков) ушбу бадиасида кўплаб ривоятлар ва муайян далилларга суяниб, у зотнинг ҳаёти ва исломни тарғиб қилиш, мустаҳкамлаш борасидаги фаолиятини ёритган. Унда Яссавийнинг Бухородан Яссига келиши ва 63 ёшидан бошлаб ер остига кириб яшаши сабаблари ҳақида ҳам сўз боради.
Basic Handball
Handball is a sport from the category known as sport games, and is becoming more and more popular in the world. A relatively rapid learning of this game, based on natural human motion, has allowed it to be popularized quickly. The development of the game is also influenced by its attractiveness based in variable action and direct conflict with an opponent. Such conflict calls for a good physical preparation of a player. The competitors playing handball have a neat stature because all the body’s muscles are used in a game. Permanent motion where all the joints of upper and lower limbs work, develops and improves their range of motion. Intense and permanent physical activity generates changes in the central nervous system and in the muscles as well as in organs such as the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. The handball game is not only influenced by physical fitness. As any physical activity it is performed and generated by thinking. A player has to - in strenuous action - rapidly see, retain, estimate, conclude and act relevantly. Two teams attempt to gain victory which is the object of the game. The players must follow all the fair play rules and sports regulations issued in order to keep the game sportsmanlike.
Building the future
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Building Construction Methods and Systems
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.
Modern Methods of Construction and Innovative Materials
The UK government has set a target of net zero carbon for the whole country by 2050. To achieve this target the government has set in law the requirement to reduce total emissions by 78% by 2035 compared to the 1990 levels. To achieve this aim, the Future Homes Standard (FHS) will come into force in 2025 ensuring that all new housing is carbon neutral with low-carbon heating systems and high levels of energy efficiency. Offices and shops will have to cut emissions by 27%. Existing homes will also be subject to higher standards when being extended or upgraded.
Interactive Architecture
this book was in the making for many years, and so many people played significant roles in helping us see it through to completion. We are very lucky to have had the opportunity to work with Steph harmon and her extraordinary editing skills. also, thanks to Jess holl for her great editing insights and amazing patience. thanks to those at Princeton architectural Press, and especially Jennifer thompson, for their support and enthusiasm from the beginning. thanks to victoria Young for her initial urging and encouragement.
Green Building Handbook
No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.
Construction Technology 2: Industrial and commercial building Third edition
There are many texts available in the area of commercial and industrial building technology, each with their own merits. Each new book in this complex and wide-ranging field of study attempts to provide something extra, something different to set it apart from the rest. The result is an ever-expanding quantum of information for the student to cope with. While such texts are invaluable as reference sources, they are often difficult to use as learning vehicles. This text seeks to provide a truly different approach to the subject of construction technology primarily associated with framed buildings. Rather than being a reference source, although it may be used as such, the book provides a learning vehicle for students of construction and property-related subjects. This volume builds upon the subject matter that was introduced in the first book of the series, Construction Technology 1: House Construction, although it is also a valuable standalone learning resource. This third edition is further updated to take into account changes in legislation and sustainable technology.
Refurbishment and Repair in Construction
In a recent report from the Standing Committee on Structural Safety [SCOSS], corporate amnesia was estimated at 35 years. This would imply that we have all forgotten what happened before 1974, and no memories survive of the problems that came with the use of various materials or forms of construction, which were so fresh in the minds of those of us in practice at that time. They are simply not in the consciousness of younger engineers, architects and surveyors, thus the need for this book. Refurbishment and Repair in Construction describes those earlier forms of construction and the related problems, provides solutions, and reviews the uses and properties of materials used in construction. Also included are generous lists of references and contacts should the reader need to conduct further research.
Building Construction Design – From Principle to Detail
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.