Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Рисолада ўзбек адабий тили тараққиётига улкан ҳисса қўшган академик, шоир ва ёзувчи Ғафур Ғуломнинг қутлуғ юз йиллик юбилейи муносабати билан унинг насрий асарлари тили лексикаси илк дафъа тадқиқ этилмоқда.
Bir yillik begona o‘tlarga qarshi gerbitsid qo‘llashning paxta hosildorligiga ta’siri
Agrar tarmoqning jadal o‘sishi mamlakatda umumiy iqtisodiyotning o‘sish uchun asosiy omillardan biri bo‘lib xizmat qiladi.
В четвертом издании учебника «Аудит» отражены изменения в аудиторской деятельности в соответствии с Федеральным законом «Об аудиторской деятельности» и принятыми в последние годы новыми нормативными документами. Эго по существу новая комплексная работа по организации аудиторской деятельности в Российской Федерации.
Of course, it’s easier to copy a model than to make something new. Doing what we already know how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But every time we create something new, we go from 0 to 1. The act of creation is singular, as is the moment of creation, and the result is something fresh and strange. Unless they invest in the difficult task of creating new things, American companies will fail in the future no matter how big their profits remain today. What happens when we’ve gained everything to be had from fine-tuning the old lines of business that we’ve inherited? Unlikely as it sounds, the answer threatens to be far worse than the crisis of 2008. Today’s “best practices” lead to dead ends; the best paths are new and untried. In a world of gigantic administrative bureaucracies both public and private, searching for a new path might seem like hoping for a miracle. Actually, if American business is going to succeed, we are going to need hundreds, or even thousands, of miracles. This would be depressing but for one crucial fact: humans are distinguished from other species by our ability to work miracles. We call these miracles technology.
Inequalities: Theorems, Techniques and Selected Problems
This book has resulted from my extensive work with talented students in Macedonia, as well as my engagement in the preparation of Macedonian national teams for international competitions. The book is designed and intended for all students who wish to expand their knowledge related to the theory of inequalities and those fascinated by this field. The book could be of great benefit to all regular high school teachers and trainers involved in preparing students for national and international mathematical competitions as well. But first and foremost it is written for students—participants of all kinds of mathematical contests. The material is written in such a way that it starts from elementary and basic inequalities through their application, up to mathematical inequalities requiring much more sophisticated knowledge. The book deals with almost all the important inequalities used as apparatus for proving more complicated inequalities, as well as several methods and techniques that are part of the apparatus for proving inequalities most commonly encountered in international mathematics competitions of higher rank. Most of the theorems and corollaries are proved, but some of them are not proved since they are easy and they are left to the reader, or they are too complicated for high school students
Тошкент вилояти шароитида ғўзани томчилатиб суғориш технологияси
Битирув малакавий ишимнинг мақсади Тошкент вилояти шароитида ғузани томчилатиб суғориш техналогиясини ўрганишдир. Бунинг учун мен Республикамизда томчилатиб суғориш усули бўйича ўтказилган илмий тадқиқот натижалари билан ва шу соҳада ёзилган илмий мақолалар, брошуралар, тавсияларни ўрганиб чиқдим ҳамда ушбу битирув малакавий ишимни ёздим.
Ўзбек халқнасри поэтикаси
Ўзбек фольклори насрини урганиш. тасниф этиш унинг таркибини аниқлаш имконини беради.
Типик бўз тупроқлар шароитида ғўзанинг Бухоро-102 ва Навруз навларининг суғориш тартибини ўрганиш
Илмий-тадқиқот ишларининг мақсади – эскидан суғорилиб келинаётган, типик бўз тупроқлар шароитида ўрта толали районлаштирилган “Бухоро-102” ва истиқболли Наврўз ғўза навларининг сув истеъмоли ҳамда мақбул суғориш тартибларини ишлаб чиқиш ва пахтачиликка ихтисослашган фермер хўжаликларига жорий этиш учун тавсиялар беришдан иборатдир.
Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom
The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales or promotional materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. This work is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for damages arising herefrom. The fact that an organization or Website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or a potential source of further information does not mean that the author or the publisher endorses the information the organization or Website may provide or recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that Internet Websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when this work was written and when it is read.
Миф. фольклор ва адабиёт
Инсоният маънавий тараккиётнинг илк боскичи сифатида мухим ахамият касб этган мифология ибтидоий маданиятнинг негизи. оламни идрок этишнинг асосий воситаси. бадиий тафаккурнинг ибтидоси хисобланган.
Chaos in Ecology Experimental Nonlinear Dynamics
It is widely appreciated that the dynamics of biological populations are nonlinear and that nonlinearity can be the source of complexity. The mathematical notion of "chaos" has captured the imagination of scientists during the past several decades. Ecologists, in particular, have mused, argued, and debated over the role that chaos might or might not play in biological populations and ecosystems.
Коронавирус + Бизнес
Ушбу қўлланма бугунги глобал муаммо COVID-19 ҳақидаги ноаниқ тушунчаларга ойдинлик киритади. Унда бизнес оламидаги компания ва бошқарувчиларга йўл кўрсатувчи сара интервью ҳамда тадқиқотлар жой олиб, жамиятда ўз ўрнига эга, турли соҳаларда мувaффақият козонган шахсларнинг фикрлари жамланган.
While I began researching for this book on linear algebra, I was a little startled. Though, it is an accepted phenomenon, that mathematicians are rarely the ones to react surprised, this serious search left me that way for a variety of reasons. First, several of the linear algebra books that my institute library stocked (and it is a really good library) were old and crumbly and dated as far back as 1913 with the most 'new' books only being the ones published in the 1960s. Next, of the few current and recent books that I could manage to find, all of them were intended only as introductory courses for the undergraduate students. Though the pages were crisp, the contents were diluted for the aid of the young learners, and because I needed a book for research-level purposes, my search at the library was futile. And given the fact, that for the past fifteen years, I have been teaching this subject to post-graduate students, this absence of recently published research level books only increased my astonishment.
Қашқадарё вилояти лалмикор ерлари шароитида буғдойнинг “Сурхак” навини етиштириш агротехнологиялари
Битирув малакавий ишимнинг асосий мақсади айнан шу масала яъни Қашқадарё вилоятида лалмикор ерлари шароитида буғдойнинг “Сурхак” навини етиштириш агротехнологияларини ўрганишга қаратилган бўлиб бунда илмий манбалардан тўпланган маълумотлар бир-бири билан солиштирилган ва таққосланган.
Ўзбек мумтоз адабиёти намуналари 11 жилд
“Ўзбек мумтоз адабиёти намуналари”нинг 11 жилдига Олтин Ўрда ва қисман Темурийлар даври адабий муҳитида яратилган асарлардан намуналар киритилди. Мажмуанинг мақсади — узбек мумтоз адабиёти билан бугунги китобхонни, хусусан, талаба ва ёш авлодни таништиришдир.
The picture on the cover is a simple graphic illustration depicting the classical algebraic structures with single binary operations and their Smarandache analogues. The pictures on the left, composed of concentric circles, depicts the traditional conception of algebraic structures, and the pictures of the right, with their liberal intersections, describe Smarandache algebraic structures. In fact, Smarandache Algebra, like its predecessor, Fuzzy Algebra, arose from the need to define structures which were more compatible with the real world where the grey areas mattered. Lofti A Zadeh, the father of fuzzy sets, remarked that: "So, this whole thing started because of my perception at that time, that the world of classical mathematics – was a little too much of a black and white world, that the principle of the 'excluded middle' meant that every proposition must be either true or false. There was no allowance for the fact that classes do not have sharply defined boundaries." So, here is this book, which is an amalgamation of alternatives.