Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Veterinariya va chorvachilik
San’at. San’atshunoslik
Выпускная квалификационная работа и организация работы в магистратуре
Пособие содержит требования к выпускной квалификационной
Методы и средства криптографической защиты информации
Систематизированы сведения в области практического применения криптографических
Organik sintez mahsulotlari texnologiyasi
Darslik оliу o'quv yurtlarining kimyo-texnologiya bakalayr yo'nalishi bo'yicha tahsil oladigan talabalar uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, magistrantlar, aspiranlar va ushbu sohada ishloychi ilmiy-xodimlar foydalanishlari murnkin.
Fuqarolik huquqi
Ushbu darslikda fuqarolik huquqi tushunchasi, predmeti, tizimi va manbalari, fuqarolik huquqining subyektlari va obyektlari, majburiyat huquqi, majburiyatlarning vujudga kelishi, shartnomalarning turlari, shartnomalarni tuzish va bekor qilish bilan bog'liq masalalar amaldagi qonunchilik asosida yoritib berilgan.
Расчёт обьёма оборудования мультисервисных сетей связи
Кратко изложеры основы концепции сетей нового поколения - NGN.
Computer Architecture. A Quantitative Approach
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Sixth Edition has been considered essential reading by instructors, students and practitioners of computer design for over 20 years. The sixth edition of this classic textbook from Hennessy and Patterson, winners of the 2017 ACM A.M. Turing Award recognizing contributions of lasting and major technical importance to the computing field, is fully revised with the latest developments in processor and system architecture. The text now features examples from the RISC V (RISC Five) instruction set architecture, a modern RISC instruction set developed and designed to be a free and openly adoptable standard. It also includes a new chapter on domain specific architectures and an updated chapter on warehouse scale computing that features the first public information on Google's newest WSC. True to its original mission of demystifying computer architecture, this edition continues the longstanding tradition of focusing on areas where the most exciting computing innovation is happening, while always keeping an emphasis on good engineering design.
G`o`za seleksiyasi va urug`chiligi
Mazkur darslikda mamlakatimizning katta maydonlarida ekiladigan, qimmatli, mahsuloti sanoatning ko‘p tarmoqlarida har tomonlama foydalaniladigan g‘o‘zaning xalq xo‘jaligidagi ahamiyati, sistematikasi, mofobiologik xususiyatlari urug‘chilik ishlarida nav sofligini ta’minlaydigan, tadbirlar va aprobatsiya ishlari kabi masalalar batafsil yoritilgan.
Modern Full-Stack React Projects
In my time as a technical advisor and developer for enterprises and the public sector, I have noticed that more and more companies look to reduce the gap between frontend and backend developers.Their business requirements often result in the need for a so-called “backend for frontend,” where data is fetched from different backend systems and prepared in a way that can be easily displayed in the frontend.As an entrepreneur, I also have experience with starting new projects with smaller teams, where it is essential that every developer on your team can do everything, not just the frontend or the backend.In such cases, it often makes sense to develop the backend and frontend in the same language, which is often JavaScript (or TypeScript), because there is a big ecosystem and a large number of developers available.
The Ultimate Guide to Snowpark
Snowpark is a powerful framework that helps you unlock a realm of possibilities within the Snowflake Data Cloud. However, leveraging Snowpark’s full potential with Python can be challenging without proper guidance. Packed with practical examples and code snippets, this book will guide you to successfully use Snowpark with Python.The Ultimate Guide to Snowpark helps you develop an understanding of Snowpark and how it integrates various workloads, such as data engineering, data science, and data applications, within the Data Cloud.
Cloud Native Microservices
Welcome to the preface of this book, where I am thrilled to share my journey and passion for technology with you. From the very beginning, I have been captivated by the wonders of technology, finding immense joy in seeing my contributions come to life and being used by people. It has been an exhilarating ride dedicating my entire career to crafting and delivering technology solutions, particularly in the BFSI domain.
Музыка для струнных
Издание адресовано солирующим исполнителям - виртуозам высокой квалификации, а также широкому кругу любителей музыки.
Безопасность жизнедеятельости
Материали учебного пособия способствуют формированию безопасного мышления и поввеедния
Termodinamika va statistik fizika moddaning fizik xossalarini o'rganishda m uhim ahamiyat kasb etib, materiyaning issiqlik harakat formasini o'rganadi. Ularning asosiy mazmuni issiqlik muvozanat holatda bo'lgan ko‘p sondagi zarralardan tashkil topgan makroskopik sistemada issiqlik harakat qonuniyatlari va unda o'tayotgan jarayonlarni, eng avvalo termodinamik metod, so‘ng esa statistik metod yordamida o ‘rganishdan iborat.
Termodinamika va statistik fizika moddaning fizik xossalarini o'rganishda muhim ahamiyat kasb etib, materiyaning issiqlik harakat formasini o'rganadi. Ularning asosiy mazmuni issiqlik muvozanat holatda bo'lgan ko'p sondagi zarralardan tashkil topgan makroskopik sistemada issiqlik harakat qonuniyatlari va unda o'tayotgan jarayonlarni, eng avvalo termodinamik metod, so'ng esa statistik metod yordamida o'rganishdan iborat. Termodinamika fenomenologik xarakteriga ko'ra, issiqlik muvozanatda bo'lgan sistemada o'tadigan jarayonlarni o'rganishda oshkora ravishda biror fizik tasavvur yoki modeldan foydalanmaydi.
Концертный репертуар балалаечника пьесы для балалайки соло
Концертный репертуар балалаечника пьесы для балалайки соло. Сост. А. Данилов