Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Анатомия для художников
Енё Барчаи - профессор, много лет преподававший в Будапештской высшей школе изобразительных искусств. Эта книга - результат его многолетней педагогической деятельности. Общеизвестно, что без знания анатомии невозможно верно передать особенности фигуры человека, характер его движений. Профессор Барчаи пользуется для показа человеческого тела методом художественного изображения. Его анатомические рисунки не только точное воспроизведение человеческих костей и мускульной системы, но и работы художественной ценности. Книга - хороший справочник для начинающего художника при изучении строения человеческого тела. Она представляет большой интерес для каждого мастера изобразительного искусства, а также для всех тех, кто имеет какое-нибудь отношение к искусству, ибо она общедоступным и художественным методом знакомит с вечной темой изобразительного искусства - человеческим телом.
Mosh o‘simligini takroriy ekin sifatida etishtirishning iqtisodiy samaradorligi
Tuproq unumdorligini oshiruvchi va yuqori sifatli oziqa manbai sifatida moshni g‘o‘za va boshoqli don ekinlari almashlab ekish tizimida kuzgi bug‘doydan keyin Qashqadaryo viloyatining tog‘ oldi tipik bo‘z tuproqlari sharoitida ekish muddati va me’yorini aniqlash muhim ahamiyatga ega dolzarb muammolardan hisoblanadi.
Geo-Politics in Northeast Asia
This book explores regional integration and community building in Northeast Asia. Interest and excitement regarding these possibilities for the Northeast Asian region peaked in the 1990s, largely due to the heightened hopes that existed for a new international and regional order in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the enlargement of NATO and the reshaping of the EU.
An introduction to oil painting
Painting projects and exercises, using fully annotated, all-photographic sequence guide you from the choice of brushes to complex painting techniques. Paintings created before your eyes by professional artists show you, in progressive stages, how to master each new technique. Unique "Gallery" pages then inspire you by displaying specially selected works of masters and contemporary artists. By the end of the course you will be able to use oil paints with confidence and achieve accomplished results.
Intersexuality and the Law Why Sex Matters
Media interest in intersexuality has blossomed over the past decade. Stories about people with an intersex condition have been the focus of dozens of books, movies, television dramas, and documentaries. Similarly, in academia, intersexuality has moved from being a relatively obscure topic, examined in a handful of medical journals, to becoming the central topic of numerous books and articles in a variety of disciplines, including psychology, history, anthropology, and medical ethics.
PLAYING DOCTOR Television, Storytelling, and Medical Power
This book is about the forces that have presented Americans with their most-shared vistas on the medical institution for over sixty years. Think of hospitals, private of‹ces, pediatricians, surgeons, pathologists, dermatologists, nurses, physical therapists, Medicare, Medicaid, insurance companies, MRI technicians, operations, patient phone calls, am bulance runs, and of‹ce visits and you barely scratch the surface of the medical institution in the United States.
T he Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has generously assisted my research by funding two pr~jects: first, a summer seminar, "Writing Performance History," that brought together fourteen dissertation-stage students from ten departments at Yale; second, a Distinguished Achievement Award, the terms or which afford wide latitude in conducting research under the aegis of the World Performance Project.
Advanced Building materials 2013
Development of the material-technological base in the field of construction is progressing faster than in the previous periods. Based on the potential of new materials and technologies, it is possible to create advanced engineering building systems. Integration of advanced materials, technologies and construction systems creates a high-quality construction with optimum performance in the presence as well as in the future. Nevertheless, improper application of high quality materials in the wrong environment may cause a defect.
Architecture for Islamic societies today
This volume would not have been possible without the concerted interest, concern and support of His Highness The Aga Khan, who has enabled it to be produced. The production was directly assisted, at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, by the staff, as well as the members of the Award Steering Committee, Master Jury and Technical Review panel, especially Darab Diba, whose illustrations are included here. I would also like to extend gratitude to staff of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, for their help At Academy Editions, John Stoddart and Andrea Bettella have provided invaluable advice and guidance over the duration of the project, Natasha Robertson has shown great resourcefulness in keeping it on track, and Jan Richter deserves special recognition for bis contribution to its design.
The book includes adequate clinical images to provide better understanding of hemorrhoidal disease. Each chapter concludes with suggested reading references. The author hopes that the book will provide specific information and guidelines concerning currently prevalent and preferred conservative and surgical practices in the treatment of hemorrhoidal diseases.
Vasopressin is a hormone involved in water balance and osmoregulation. It is produced by the hypothalamus and released by the neuro-pituitary. In this book, the authors discuss the mechanisms of action, physiology and side effects of vasopressin.
“Ascent may be to the new: when it is, descent is the recovery of the old that was excluded by repression, forgetting, or lack of awareness. It’s a harrowing of hell or rather limbo: a redemption of the dead, a recalling of past to present. Similarly new formulations of myth recapture lost and neglected implications. The Grail stories are profounder than caul drons-of-plenty myths, and my reading of them is profounder than they are.”1
SHOW OF HANDS A Natural History of Sign Language
This book is lovingly dedicated to all those friends, deaf and hearing, living and dead, who have made the unique and wonderful world known as Gallaudet and to my family: Vicki, Denise, and Laura. I would especially like to recognize the contributions of my Gallaudet colleagues, coauthors, and co-editors—Vic Van Cleve, and, of course, the late William C. Stokoe.
The aim of this book is to spread and make easier the use of comprehensive modeling for research, educational and clinical applications. Flexible and modular numerical, physical and hybrid models developed to assess patho-physiology of cardiovascular and respiratory systems are the subject of the book.
Бегона ўтларга қарши комплекс кураш олиб боришнинг пахта ҳосилдорлигига таъсири
Илмий ишимизда ғўзанинг ўрта толали “Наманган-34” навининг ўсиши, ривожланиши ва ҳосилдорлигига, бегона ўтларни юқотишда гербицидларнинг таъсирини ўрганишни мақсад қилиб олинган.
Фермер хўжаликларига хизмат кўрсатиш ва улар фаолиятини мувофиқлаштириш тизимини такомиллаштириш
Битирув малакавий ишининг мақсади фермер хўжаликларига хизмат кўрсатиш ва улар фаолиятини мувофиқлаштириш тизимини такомиллаштиришнинг ташкилий-иқтисодий жиҳатларидаги муаммоларни ўрганиш ва уларни бартараф этиш бўйича маълум хулосалар шакллантириш ҳамда уни ривожлантириш бўйича таклиф ва тавсиялар тайёрлашдан иборат.