San’at. San’atshunoslik
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Атлас анатомии человека для художников. Серия
В настоящем учебном пособии собрана и систематизирована обширная информация об анатомии человеческого тела с точки зрения ее внешней, пластической формы, на основании мышечной массы и скелета. В соответствии с учебными задачами издание содержит переработанные копии рисунков многих известных художников, таких как: Баммес, Барчаи, Валледжо, а также иллюстрации, созданные с помощью новейших достижений компьютерной графики, фотографии моделей в различных движениях. Книга является самым полным по содержанию учебным пособием для тех, кто желает научиться натурному и ассоциативному рисованию человека. В разделах книги последовательно и полно изложены подробные сведения о пластике человеческого тела в целом, а также его фрагментах: головы и шеи, торса, рук и ног, кистей рук и ступней.
Learn to do tunisian lace stitches
Even if you've never tried Tunisian crochet before, this book is for you. The basic stitches of Tunisian are explained (Tunisian Simple Stitch, Tunisian Knit Stitch, Tunisian Reverse Stitch, etc.) and then those basic stitches are combined into Tunisian Lace stitches created especially for this book.
Rethinking Islam in Europe
Muslims have become an important part of the European population.This is also true for German-speaking areas,which include Germany,Austria, and parts of Switzerland. Because of this, public interest in Islam has increased.
Koinotning qurilish ashyosi
Kitobda kimyoviy elementlarning tasniflanish tizimi va ularning xossalari haqida qiziqarli tarzda hikoya qilinadi. Muallif muayyan kimyoviy element haqida so'z yuritarkan, uning turmushda va texnikada ishlatilishi, fizik va kimyoviy xossalari va hatto sanoatda va san'atda qo'llanishi borasida mukammal ifodali so'z yuritadi. Matn davomida, davriy jadvaldagi har bir elementga alohida-alohida to'xtalib, shu bilan birga, elementlarni inson hayoti, texnika va ilm-fan uchun ahamiyatiga qarab, guruhlarga taqsimlagan holda ko'rib chiqiladi. Bu orqali, nafaqat bizning galaktikamiz, balki, butun Koinotning qurilish materiali hisoblanadigan kimyoviy elementlar haqida kitobxonga sodda, tushunarli va ommabop tilda ma'lumot yetkazishga harakat qilingan.
In Class IX, you began your exploration of the world of real numbers and encountered irrational numbers. We continue our discussion on real numbers in this chapter. We begin with two very important properties of positive integers in Sections 1.2 and 1.3, namely the Euclid’s division algorithm and the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic. Euclid’s division algorithm, as the name suggests, has to do with divisibility of integers. Stated simply, it says any positive integer a can be divided by another positive integer b in such a way that it leaves a remainder r that is smaller than b. Many of you probably recognise this as the usual long division process. Although this result is quite easy to state and understand, it has many applications related to the divisibility properties of integers. We touch upon a few of them, and use it mainly to compute the HCF of two positive integers.
"Kimyoviy kinetika va kataliz fanida ishlatiladigan terminlarning izohli lo'g'ati" uslubiy tavsiyasi 5440400- Kimyo yo'nalishi bo'yicha bakalavrlar uchun mo'ljallangan dastur asosida tayyorlangan va "Kimyoviy kinetika va kataliz" fani bo'yicha o'quv-uslubiy majmuaning ajralmas qismini tashkil etadi. Uslubiy tavsiyada kimyoviy kinetika va katalizga doir tushunchalar ingliz va rus tillarida, o'zbek tilida esa izohi bilan berilgan. Bu esa kimyoviy kinetika va katalizga doir ingliz va rus tillaridan chiqarilgan darslik, o'quv qo'llanma va ilmiy maqolalardan foydalanishni osonlashtiradi, talabalarning mustaqil ishlashlari samaradorligini oshiradi.
Давлатимиз раҳбарининг эътиборингизга ҳавола қилинаётган ушбу рисоласи ҳам маънавиятга, унинг ажралмас қисми бўлган бадиий адабиётга бўлган юксак эътиборнинг яна бир амалий ифодасидир. Унда адабиётимизнинг бугунги куни ва эртанги истиқболи, ёзувчилар олдида турган муҳим ва долзарб вазифалар ҳақида, ижодкорнинг гражданлик позицияси, ижтимоий бурчи хусусида атрофлича фикр юритилади. Айни пайтда юртимиз зиёлиларининг энг илғор вакиллари бўлмиш адибларни ўз сафида бирлаштирган Ўзбекистон Ёзувчилар уюшмаси фаолиятининг самарадорлигини ошириш бўйича муҳим амалий таклиф ва хулосалар илгари сурилади.
First, to provide the reader with a competent working knowledge of calculus. We have taken pains to insure adequate coverage of the traditional topics and techniques, especially those that will be needed in courses such as engineering, physics, chemistry, and other sciences. Furthermore, we have tried to attune the textbook to the two outstanding mathematical trends of our time—the computer revolution and the burgeoning use of mathematical models in the life sciences, the social sciences, economics, and business. Second, to complement and enhance effective classroom teaching and to allay students' "math anxiety." Our own classroom experience has shown that successful teaching is fostered by a textbook that provides clear and complete explanations, cogent illustrations, step-by-step procedures, pertinent examples and problems, and a multitude of topical, real-world applications. Such a textbook should build student confidence by beginning with familiar material, explaining new concepts in terms of ideas already well understood, offering worked-out examples that show in detail how problems are to be solved, and providing opportunities for students to reinforce and test their understanding via problem sets in which the level of difficulty increases gradually
Шторы, гардины
Настоящее издание поможет вам решить множество вопросов, связанных с декорированнем окон. Книга расскажет о различных типах окон, вариантах их оформления, аксессуарах, а также о том, как подобрать цвет и материал для штор. Издание содержит информацию о способах изготовления штор: как правильно рассчитать метраж ткани, обработать края и др. Здесь также представлены интересные дизайнерские решения. Кинга хорошо иллюстрирована, рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.
Matematik soru bankasi
Alanında uzman yayın kadromuz tarafından hazırlanan kitaplarımızda, ÖSYM tarafından günümüze kadar uygulanan sınavlar ve sınavlardaki test tekniği dikkate alınarak kapsamlı bir çalışma yürütülmüş, siz değerli öğrencilerimizin hazırlık sürecindeki yükünü hafifletmeyi amaçlayan bir yol izlenmiştir. Üniversite sınavları kapsamı ve MEB kazanımlarını gözeterek oluşturduğumuz bu yayınımızda sorular, örnek çözümlü sorular, amaca uygun kısa notlar ve terimlerle bilgilerin sınava yönelik kullanımı ve akılda kalıcılığı hedeflenmiştir.
The advance knife makers manual
If you want to learn how to make custom knives, folding knives, spring back knives, knife repair, lock back knives, fix blades, knife, knives, this book has all the information that you will need. It is an excellent book for the beginner or advanced craft person. This manual shows you how to make all different types of custom knives, folding, spring backs, fix, Damascus knives, knife blades, or learn how to repair all types of knives. This book covers grinders, rigid, lock backs, blades, fix blades, fix blades, sharpening grinders, and nickel-plating knives. This book has hundreds of drawings, and photos that you can follow step-by-step as you make your first knife.
Таниқли Олмон олимаси И. Балдауфнинг ушбу тўплами тадқиқотчининг Туркистон жадидчилик тарихи ва унинг машҳур намояндалари ижодига бағишланган. Олиманинг Беҳбудий, Фитрат, Чўлпон, Қодирий ҳақидаги кузатишлари саралаб олинди. Янги ўзбек адабиётининг асосчилари бўлган бу сиймолар ҳақидаги хорижлик мутахассиснинг фикр-мулоҳазалари адабиётшунослик фанимиз учунгина эмас, кенг ўқувчилар оммаси учун ҳам қизиқарлидир.
Nowadays, in the time when the level of teaching universally decreases and “pure” science does not appeal as it used to, this book can attract new students to mathematics. The book can be useful to all teachers and instructors heading optional courses and mathematical groups. It might interest university students or even scientists. But it was primarily intended for high school students who like mathematics (even for those who, perhaps, are unaware of it yet) and to their teachers. The complete answers to all problems will facilitate the latter to coach the former. The book also contains some history of Moscow Mathematical Olympiads and reflections on mathematical olympiads and mathematical education in the Soviet Union (the experience that might be of help to western teachers and students). A relation of some of the problems to “serious” mathematics is mentioned.
Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan saat ini menjadi prioritas, baik oleh pemerintah pusat maupun daerah. Salah satu komponen yang menjadi fokus perhatian adalah peningkatan kompetensi guru.Peran guru dalam pembelajaran di kelas merupakan kunci keberhasilan untuk mendukung keberhasilan belajar siswa. Guru yang profesional dituntut mampu membangun proses pembelajaran yang baik sehingga dapat menghasilkan output dan outcome pendidikan yang berkualitas.