Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Except as permitted by the Copyright Act (any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review), no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Enquiries to be made to Haese & Harris Publications. Where copies of part or the whole of the book are made under Part VB of the Copyright Act, the law requires that the educational institution or the body that administers it has given a remuneration notice to Copyright Agency Limited (CAL). For information, contact the Copyright Agency Limited.
Согласно сведениям, приведенным во многих исторических источниках и литературе, искусство росписи развивалось с древних времен. Это древная форма искусства, которая с годами росла в цене и ценности.
G‘o‘za qator oralariga ishlov berish usullarini tuproqning agrokimyoviy xususiyatlariga ta’siri
Qashqadaryo viloyati suv taqchilliigi kuchli seziladigan hudud hisoblanib, sug‘orish suvlarini iqtisod qilish asosiy maqsad hisoblanadi. Shu bilan birga Amudaryo suvini 6 ta nasos stansiyasi bilan ko‘tarilib olib kelinadigan suvdan oqilona foydalanish mo‘l va sifatli hosil olishni ta’minlaydi.
Бегона ўтларга қарши гербицид қўллашнинг ерёнғоқ ҳосилдорлигига таъсирини ўрганиш
Битирув малакавий ишида ерёнғоқ навлари уруғ унувчанлиги ҳамда ўсиш-ривожланишига гербицид меъёрларининг таъсири ва бошқа маълумотлар берилган.
Информационная эпоха экономика, общество и культура
Любая незаурядная книга может быть осмыслена в различных контекстах, оценена с различных точек зрения.
Компостларни Сурхондарё вилояти тупроқлари унумдорлиги ва ғўза ҳосилдорлигига таъсири
Фосфогипс билан ўтказилган тажриба натижалари, унинг узоқ йиллар давомида кўрсатган таъсирини (последействие) ўрганиш шуни кўрсатадики, ФГ ни оптимал меъёрларда қўллаш тупроқнинг сув-физикавий, физик-кимёвий, агрокимёвий хоссалари ва мелиоратив ҳолатини, қисқа вақт (2-3 йил) ичида яхшилайди, ўсимликлар физиологик ҳолатига ижобий таъсир кўрсатади, экинларнинг ғўзанинг ўсиши ва ривожланишига мақбул шароит яратади.
After focusing on numbers and their symbols, my quest continued from the four fundamental rules of arithmetic to calculus and its culmination in differential equations. Along the way, I delved into algebra, the theory of functions, geometry, trigonometry, hyperbolic functions, and analytic geometry, and also followed trails to number theory, symbolic logic, set theory, Boolean algebra, transfinite numbers, topology, fractals, vector analysis, and probability theory. My draft text was later polished with the help of distinguished professional mathematicians, linguists, and historians. In its final form, I hope this format of mathematics and its history will appeal to readers who have, or would like to develop, a fondness for mathematics.
Анализ, биоэклогия, технология, разведение и применение златоглазки
В работе описаны анализ, биоэклогия, технология, разведение и применение златоглазки и другие темы.
Mathematics as Problem Solving
Frontispiece reproduces the front cover of the original edition. It was designed by my later father Yuri Soifer, who was a great artist. Will Robinson, who produced a documentary about him for the Colorado Springs affiliate of ABC, called him “an artist of the heart.” For his first American one-man show at the University of Colorado in June–July 1981, Yuri sketched his autobiography: I was born in 1907 in the little village Strizhevka in the Ukraine. From the age of three, I was taught at the Cheder (elementary school by a synagogue), and since that time I have been painting. At the age of ten, I entered Feinstein’s Jewish High School in the city of Vinniza. The art teacher, Abram Markovich Cherkassky, a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts at St. Petersburg, looked at my book of sketches of praying Jews, and consequently taught me for six years, until his departure for Kiev. Cherkassky was my first and most important teacher. He not only critiqued my work and explained various techniques, but used to sit down in my place and correct mistakes in my work until it was nearly unrecognizable. I couldn’t then touch my work and continue – this was unforgettable.
500 crohet stitches: The ultimate crochet stitch bible
500 Crochet Stitches is both a stitch guide and a how-to-crochet primer, all in one volume. You get all the information needed to get started, including how to choose yarn and needles, read patterns, work basic stitches, how to check gauge, increase and decrease, join pieces and finish projects and care for your crochet items. The comprehensive pattern library includes 500 crochet stitches, including basic stitches using single and double crochet, trebles, and some new techniques to get the fabric you want for that special sweater or hat. Lace and openwork stitches are a starting point for exploring the airy shawls, and afghans crochet is famous for. Use one of the many motifs to create an heirloom blanket, or mix and match motifs to create a truly unique piece. There are also edgings and trims you can use on your crochet and other projects, including sewn items and knitted ones. Each is fully explained with instructions and accompanied by a full-color photo of a sample crocheted swatch. All swatches are worked in updated yarns, beautifully photographed and accompanied by easy-to-follow instructions.
Toshkent viloyati “Golden fish” MCHJ baliqchilik misolida qafas akvakulturasi sharoitida kamalakrang forel (oncorychus mykiss) balig’ning morfologik xususiyatlari
Bitiruv malakaviy ishida «Golden fish» baliqchilik xo’jaligi kamalak gulbaliq ota-ona baliqlar to’dasining morfologik tasnifi va boshqa ma`lumotlar berilgan.
Workbook in Higher Algebra
The present set of notes was developed as a result of Higher Algebra courses that I taught during the academic years 1987-88, 1989-90 and 1991-92. The distinctive feature of these notes is that proofs are not supplied. There are two reasons for this. First, I would hope that the serious student who really intends to master the material will actually try to supply many of the missing proofs. Indeed, I have tried to break down the exposition in such a way that by the time a proof is called for, there is little doubt as to the basic idea of the proof. The real reason, however, for not supplying proofs is that if I have the proofs already in hard copy, then my basic laziness often encourages me not to spend any time in preparing to present the proofs in class. In other words, if I can simply read the proofs to the students, why not? Of course, the main reason for this is obvious; I end up looking like a fool.
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the International Conference on Psychology, Education, and Mental Health (ICoPEM) 2019. This is the first conference held in the Psychology department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas.
Шўрланган ерларни тубдан мелиорация қилиш
Битирув малакавий ишида суғориш таъсирида сизот сувлар сатҳи ва минераллашганлигини, ўзлаштириш ва суғориш таъсирида шўрланган майдонларнинг ўзгариши ва бошқа маълумотлар берилган.
Рақамли иқтисодиётни ривожлантириш шароитида саноат корхоналарда мехнат самарадорлигини оширишнинг ташкилий-иқтисодий механизми.
Монографияда мамлакатимизда рақамли иқтисодиётни ривожлантириш шароитида саноат корхоналари барқарор ривожланишини таъминлаш, махсулот ишлаб чиқаришга сарфланадиган мехнат сарфини камайтириш, мехнат сифати ва самарадорлигини ошириш бўйича таклиф ва тавсиялар асослаб берилган.