Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
THIS project began many years ago as a dissertation in the stimulating intellectual environment of the Department of Romance Languages at the University of Michigan, where I had the good fortune to be able to synthetically combine the talents of Bill Gray and Domna Stanton.
Аграр тармоқни барқарор ривожлантириш шароитида қишлоқ хўжалиги маҳсулотларини рақобатбардошлигини ошириш йўллари
Иқтисодиётга солиқ юкини камайтириш, давлат бюджети харажатларини янада оптималлаштириш, банк тизими барқарорлигини мустаҳкамлаш, банкларнинг кредитлаш салоҳиятини ошириш, иқтисодиётни модернизация қилиш ва техник янгилаш жараёнларига жалб қилинаётган (хусусан хорижий инвестициялар) ҳажмини кўпайтириш, экспорт ҳажмини ошириш ва унинг таркибини такомиллаштириш борасидаги чора-тадбирлар макроиқтисодий барқарорликнинг таъминланишига хизмат қилади ва барқарор иқтисодий ўсишга эришиш учун омил бўлади.
matEmática proFEssor
Após, anote na lousa as informações compartilhadas, destacando as estratégias que contribuam para o desenvolvimento de habilidades relacionadas à correta interpretação de dados organizados em gráfico de barras, por exemplo, fazer estimativas de valores a partir das escalas das linhas de grade do gráfico; obter informações quanto aos dados exibidos por meio de títulos do gráfico, eixos e legendas; realizar tratamento de dados para obter informações específicas, etc. Aproveite também este momento para explorar o vocabulário específico para designar elementos de um gráfico, como rótulo de dados, legenda, área de plotagem, linhas de grade, entre outros.
Гул карамни плёнка остида етиштиришнинг иқтисодий самарадорлиги
Сабзавот экинлари қаторида гулкарам, нисбатан, ёш усимликлардан хисобланади. Аммо у озиқ-овқат сифатида оқбошли карамга нисбатан юқори ўринда туради. Чунки уни таркибидаги қуруқ модда миқдори оддий карамга нисбатан 2-2,7 фоизга, оқсил 0,6-1 фоизга ва витамин С 34,8-84 мг% га купдир. Бу карамни етиштириш технологиясини билиш хар бир мутахассиснинг бурчи хисобланади.
Тупроқларнинг шўрланиш даражасини пахта ҳосилдорлигига таъсирини ўрганиш
Тошкент вилояти шароитида қишлоқ хўжалик экинлари жумладан, ғўза билан банд бўлган ерларнинг мелиоратив ҳолати чуқур ўрганилади,таҳлил қилиб чиқилади. Сизот сувларини жойлашиш чуқурлиги ва тупроқларнинг шўрланиш даражасини пахта ҳосилдорлигига таъсирини илмий асосланади ва аниқ тавсиялар ишлаб чиқилади.
Дегредацияга учраган тупроқларни сув-физик хоссаларини ва унумдорлигини яхшилаш
Мазкур битирув ишида унумдорлиги пасайган тупроқларда унумдорликни регенерация қилиш ва қишлоқ хўжалиги маҳсулотларини етиштириш самарадорлигини ошириш мақсадида биогумусдан фойдаланиш технологиясини такомиллаштириш масалалари кўриб чиқилади.
Irrigatsiya eroziyasiga qarshi kuzgi bug‘doyni tabaqalab o‘g‘itlash
Irrigatsiya eroziyasi natijasida qadimdan sug‘orilib kelingan tipik bo‘z tuproqlarning genetik qatlami o‘zgarganligi «A» qatlami yuvilgan qismida qisqarganligi, yuvilib eroziya mahsulotlari to‘plangan joylarda yuqori qatlam chuqurligi oshganligi kuzatildi.
Tipik bo‘z tuproqlar sharoitida irrigatsiya eroziyasiga qarshi g‘o‘za qator orasiga ishlov berish texnologiyasi
Izlanishlarning maqsadi bo‘z tuproqlar mintaqasida g‘o‘za qator oralarini ishlash soni va chuqurligini sug‘orish usullariga bog‘liq holda tuproq suv fizik xossalari, unumdorligiga, paxta hosili va tola sifatiga hamda atrof muhitga ta’sirini aniqlashdan iboratdir.
Thinking Mathematically
Thinking Mathematically is a book to be used rather than read, so its value depends on how energetically the reader works through the questions posed throughout the text. Their purpose is to provide recent, vivid experience which will connect with the comments that are made. Failure to tackle the questions seriously will render the comments meaningless and empty, and it will be hard to use our advice when it is needed. Three kinds of involvement are required: physical, emotional and intellectual.
Фермер хўжаликларини моддий-техника ресурслари билан таъминлаш тизимини бошқариш
Барча пахта, ғалладан ташқари бошқа маҳсулотларни етиштириб, уларни сотишда эркинлик берилди. Тадбиркорларга ишлаб чиқаришини ривожлантириш учун турли хилдаги имтиёзли кредитлар берилган. Лекин амалга оширилаётган тадбирлар ўсиб бораётган талабни тўлиқ қондира олмайди. Шунинг учун қишлоқ хўжалигида амалга оширилаётган барча турдаги ислоҳотларни эркинлаштириш, уларни янада чуқурлаштириш мақсадга мувофиқдир. Бу келажакда қишлоқ хўжалигининг юқори суръатларда ривожланишини таъминлайди.
Mathematical Analysis
This volume, that adds to the four volumes that already appeared, complements the study of ideas and techniques of the differential and integral calculus for functions of several variables with the presentation of several specific topics of particular relevance from which the calculus of functions of several variables has originated and in which it has its most natural context. Some chapters have to be seen as introductory to further developments that proceed autonomously and that cannot be treated here because of space and complexity. However, we believe that a discussion at an elementary level of some aspects is surely part of a basic mathematical education and helps to understand the context in which the study of abstract functions of many variables finds its true motivation.
Mathematical Analysis
This book introduces the main ideas and fundamental methods of differential and integral calculus for functions of several variables. In Chapter 1 we discuss differential calculus for functions of several variables with a short excursion into differential calculus in Banach spaces. In Chapter 2 we present some of the most relevant results of the Lebesgue integration theory, including the limit and approximation theorems, Fubini’s theorem, the area and coarea theorems, and Gauss–Green formulas. The aim is to provide the reader with all that is needed to use the power of Lebesgue integration. For this reason some details as well as some proofs concerning the formulation of the theory are skipped, as we think they are more appropriate in the general context of measure theory. In Chapter 3 we deal with potentials and integration of differential 1-forms, focusing on solenoidal and irrotational fields. Chapter 4 provides a sufficiently wide introduction to the theory of holomorphic functions of one complex variable. We present the fundamental theorems and discuss singularities and residues as well as Riemann’s theorem on conformal representation and the related Schwarz and Poisson formulas and Hilbert’s transform.
The material presented in this book evolved from supplementary material prepared for teaching a course in machine analysis. One major thing I have learned from teaching Machine Analysis, and also from discussing with others who have taught the course, is that students do not understand the purpose of machine analysis and lack understanding of the big picture. This book focuses on learning the big picture with the use of computer methods. As an example, students typically learn kinematic analysis of linkage systems by calculating velocity and acceleration of a linkage mechanism in one “freeze frame” position. As a result, the students get answers in the form of vectors, which have no real meaning to them because it is not a complete solution. In order to have a complete understanding of the concept, students need to calculate velocity and acceleration for one complete cycle of motion of the mechanism. Although it is far too tedious to calculate by hand, students can develop computer code that will analyze the mechanism for its complete cycle of motion. From this broad analysis, students can now plot acceleration curves for the motion of the mechanisms and learn in a more visual manner. Because most students are visual learners, this text focuses on teaching the material in this more complete and visual fashion. Students will be taught how to build computer code throughout the book, and in the end they will be able to develop a tool to do a much more thorough analysis of mechanisms. This approach will make the learning process more effective, and it will also serve as a useful tool to use as practicing engineers. Some of the solution methods discussed in this book stem from graphical methods that may seem antiquated. Though some of these methods may be outdated, they present the material in a very visual way to help students understand the more complex analytical solution methods.
Euclidean Geometry in Mathematical Olympiads
This book is an outgrowth of five years of participating in mathematical olympiads, where geometry flourishes in great vigor. The ideas, techniques, and proofs come from countless resources—lectures at MOP∗ resources found online, discussions on the Art of Problem Solving site, or even just late-night chats with friends. The problems are taken from contests around the world, many of which I personally solved during the contest, and even a couple of which are my own creations. As I have learned from these olympiads, mathematical learning is not passive—the only way to learn mathematics is by doing. Hence this book is centered heavily around solving problems, making it especially suitable for students preparing for national or international olympiads. Each chapter contains both examples and practice problems, ranging from easy exercises to true challenges.
First Steps for Math Olympians
In the last year of the second millennium, the American High School Mathematics Examination, commonly known as the AHSME, celebrated its fiftieth year. It began in 1950 as a local exam in the New York City area, but within its first decade had spread to most of the states and provinces in North America, and was being administered to over 150,000 students. A third generation of students is now taking the competitions. The examination has expanded and developed over the years in a number of ways. Initially it was a 50-question test in three parts. Part I consisted of 15 relatively routine computational problems; Part II contained 20 problems that required a thorough knowledge of high school mathematics, and perhaps some ingenuity; those in Part III were the most difficult, although some of these seem, based on the latter problems on the modern examination, relatively straightforward. The points awarded for success increased with the parts, and totaled 150.
Мазкур китоб бакалаврият йуналиши 5111700- Бошлангич таълим ва спорт тарбиявий иш таълими учун укув кулланма сифатида мулжалланган. Унда хозирги замон узбек тили фанининг предмети, максади ва вазифалари белгиланган, х,озирги замон узбек тили фонетикаси, графикаси, орфографияси, лексикологияси, фразеологияси хакида умумий маълумотлар, х,озирги замон узбек тилининг грамматик курилиши, сузнинг грам-матик маъноси ва грамматик шакли, морфологияси ва синтаксиси .\акида маълумот берилган