Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Моҳир шоиру аржуманд донишманд, комил фозилу беназир амир Алишер Навоийнинг илмию маънавий, молиявию ташкилий ёрдами билан вужудга келган университет ҳамда махсус илмий ва амалий институтлар ул азизнинг тинимсиз меҳнатию олий ҳиммати туфайли жаҳоннинг илму фан ва маданият хазиналарига салмоқли ҳисса қўшди. Жумладан Навоий академияси инсоният ихтиёрига кўплаб илмий асарлар тақдим қилди. Шулардан бири Атоуллоҳ Маҳмуд Ҳусайнийнинг бадиъ илмига, яъни нутқдаги бадиий воситаларга бағишланган «Бадойиъу-с- санойиъ» (санъат янгиликлари) деган рисоласидир.
300 Crochet Stitches. Volume 6
These two crochet stitch compendiums were first published as The Harmony Guide to Crochet Stitches and The Harmony Guide to 100s More Crochet Stitches. Stitch patterns are an excellent source of inspiration for crocheters wishing to put together their own individual designs, and these collections are among the best this reviewer has seen. 300 Crochet Stitches includes lace patterns, motifs, filet, clusters, shells, bobbles, and looped stitches, while 220 Crochet Stitches covers all-over patterns, edgings and trimmings, motifs, and Irish-style crochet. Full-color illustrations are superb, and stitch patterns include both diagrammed and written instructions. If only the publisher had matched the good-quality paper and printing with a strong binding; as with all the "Harmony Guides," these titles will require rebinding after a few circulations. Recommended for public libraries not owning the earlier edition.
Linear Algebra
I dedicate this book to friends and colleagues, past and present, at Bradley University. Without their friendship, counsel, and support over these past 30 years, my teaching experience wouldn’t have been quite so special and my writing opportunities wouldn’t have been quite the same. It’s been an interesting journey, and I thank all who have made it so
Sharq falsafasi va uning tarmoqlari bo'lgan tavhid, kalom, tafsir, hadis, ruhiy va tabiiy fanlar o'rtasidagi ixtiloflarni bartaraf etib, buning o'zaro uyg'un rivojlanish yo'llarini kashf etgan, fan va din bir-biriga dushman emas, do'st ekanligini dalillab bergan atoqli faylasuf Muhammad Abu Homid G'azzoliy asarlari jahondagi juda ko'p donishmand, faylasuflarning e'tiborini jalb etib kelgan. G'azzoliy Kimyoi saodat da bunday hikoyani keltiradi: Bir quruh ko'rlar yo'lni ko'rmay, chetroqda ko'zalar turgan joydan o'ta boshladilar va «Kimdir yo'limizga to'siqlar qo'yibdi» deb shikoyat qiladilar. Aslida ular ko'rligi tufayli to'g'ri yo'ldan adashgan edilar. Darvoqe, Jaloliddin Rumiyning Masnaviyi ma'naviy asaridagi ko'pchilik hikoyatlar <<Ihyo dan: «Nafs (ruh) chavandozga, badan otga o'xshaydi. Chavandozning ko'rligi otning ko'rligidan zararlioqdir. Yana: Aql qalbga qo'shilsa fazilatga aylanadi. Aks holda aql-fazilat emas».
Эстетик қарашлар кейинчалик мислсиз ўсди. Шунинг учун Аристотель «Поэтика»сидан адабиётшуносликка оид бўлган ҳозирги замон қарашларининг ҳаммасини ҳам қидиравериш тўғри эмас. Ҳозир турли жанрларда ёзилган асарларнинг ўзига хос хусусиятларини ҳам, тузилишини ҳам, тор маънода, «Поэтика» деб аталмоқда. Аслида поэтика адабиёт назарияси дарсликларининг бир қисми, боби ски масаласи эмас. Ҳозир «Поэтика» сўзи ўрнига «адабиёт назарияси» термини қўлланилаётир, поэтика, кенг маънода, адабиёт на зарияси демакдир. «Поэтика» терминининг қўлланилиш доираси аста-секин торайиб боряпти.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications
I personally believe that many more people need linear algebra than calculus. Isaac Newton might not agree! But he isn’t teaching mathematics in the 21st century (and maybe he wasn’t a great teacher, but we will give him the benefit of the doubt). Certainly the laws of physics are well expressed by differential equations. Newton needed calculus—quite right. But the scope of science and engineering and management (and life) is now so much wider, and linear algebra has moved into a central place. May I say a little more, because many universities have not yet adjusted the balance toward linear algebra. Working with curved lines and curved surfaces, the first step is always to linearize. Replace the curve by its tangent line, fit the surface by a plane, and the problem becomes linear. The power of this subject comes when you have ten variables, or 1000 variables, instead of two.
This collection of thousands of solved problems covers almost every type of problem which may appear in any course in linear algebra. Moreover, our collection inchades both computational problems and theoretical problems (which involve proofs). Each section begins with very elementary problems and their difficulty usually increases as the section progresses. Furthermore, the theoretical problems involving proofs normally appear after the computational problems, which can thus preview the theory. (Most students have move difficulty with proofs.) Normally, students will be assigned a textbook for their linear algebra course. The sequence of our chapters follows the customary order found in most textbooks (although there may be some discrepancies). However, whenever possible, our chapters and sections have been wrinen so that their order can be changed without difficulty and without loss of continmity. The solution to each problem immediately follows the statement of the problem. However, you may wish to try to solve the problem yourself befost stading the given solution: In fact, even after reading the solution, you should try to resolve the problem without consulting the text. Used thus, 3000 Solved Problems in Linear Algebra can serve as a supplement to any course in linear algebra, or even as an independent refresher course.
Linear Algebra
The first three chapters treat vectors in Euclidean space, matrix algebra, and systems of linear equations. These chapters provide the motivation and basic computational tools for the abstract investigations of vector spaces and linear mappings which follow. After chapters on inner product spaces and orthogonality and on determinants, there is a detailed discussion of eigenvalues and eigenvectors giving conditions for representing a linear operator by a diagonal matrix. This naturally leads to the study of various canonical forms, specifically, the triangular, Jordan, and rational canonical forms. Later chapters cover linear functions and the dual space V*, and bilinear, quadratic, and Hermitian forms. The last chapter treats linear operators on inner product spaces. The main changes in the fourth edition have been in the appendices. First of all, we have expanded Appendix A on the tensor and exterior products of vector spaces where we have now included proofs on the existence and uniqueness of such products. We also added appendices covering algebraic structures, including modules, and polynomials over a field. Appendix D, ‘‘Odds and Ends,’’ includes the Moore–Penrose generalized inverse which appears in various applications, such as statistics. There are also many additional solved and supplementary problems.
Linear Algebra
The fourth edition of Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction preserves the approach and features that users found to be strengths of the previous editions. However, I have streamlined the text somewhat, added numerous clarifications, and freshened up the exercises. I want students to see linear algebra as an exciting subject and to appreciate its tremendous usefulness. At the same time, I want to help them master the basic concepts and techniques of linear algebra that they will need in other courses, both in mathematics and in other disciplines. I also want students to appreciate the interplay of theoretical, applied, and numerical mathematics that pervades the subject.
Linear Algebra
In most mathematics programs linear algebra is taken in the first or second year, following or along with at least one course in calculus. While the location of this course is stable, lately the content has been under discussion. Some instructors have experimented with varying the traditional topics, trying courses focused on applications, or on the computer. Despite this (entirely healthy) debate, most instructors are still convinced, I think, that the right core material is vector spaces, linear maps, determinants, and eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Applications and computations certainly can have a part to play but most mathematicians agree that the themes of the course should remain unchanged. Not that all is fine with the traditional course. Most of us do think that the standard text type for this course needs to be reexamined. Elementary texts have traditionally started with extensive computations of linear reduction, matrix multiplication, and determinants. These take up half of the course. Finally, when vector spaces and linear maps appear, and definitions and proofs start, the nature of the course takes a sudden turn. In the past, the computation drill was there because, as future practitioners, students needed to be fast and accurate with these. But that has changed. Being a whiz at 5×5 determinants just isn’t important anymore. Instead, the availability of computers gives us an opportunity to move toward a focus on concepts.
Нутқ камчиликларини механизми ва сабабаларини билиш, нутқ камчилигига эга бўлган болалар нутқидаги камчиликларни аниқлашда асосий ролни ўйнайди.
Linear Algebra
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Қўлингиздаги китобча мумтоз адабиётимизда кенг қўлланиб келган шеърий санъатлар, аруз ва қофия илмидан дастлабки ихчам маълумот бериш мақсадини кўзлайди. Ушбу назарий билимларни пухта ўзлаштиришга ёрдам бериш мақсадида юқори синфларда ўрга ниладиган ўзбек шоирлари ижоди бўйича 220 та тест саволлари ҳамда тўғри жавобларнинг изоҳли калити илова қилинди.
MATEMATİK soru bankası
Bu kitabın tüm haklan Lmt Basım Yayın Ltd. Şti'ye aittir. Kitabın tamamının ya da bir kısmının elektronik, mekanik, fotokopi ya da herhangi bir kayıt sistemiyle çoğaltılması, yayımlanması, depolanması yasaktır.
Урожайность и экономическая эффективность сорта сои «Нафис» в зависимости от норм высева и сроков сева
Цель исследований в условиях типичных сероземов центральной зоны Узбекистана (на примере 5 Ташкентской области) - выявить оптимальные сроки сева и густоту стояния, обеспечивающие высокий урожай зерна сортов сои в повторных посевах.
Кунгабоқарнинг “Дилбар” нави ҳосилдорлигига экиш муддатларининг таъсири
Республикамиз иқлим шароитида мойли ўсимликлар (кунгабоқар, кунжут, ерёнғоқ, махсар) парваришлаш ва уни етиштириш технологияси етарли даражада ўрганилмаган. Шуни ҳисобга олиб Ўзбекистон мойли ва толали экинлар тажриба станциясида Бутунжаҳон коллекцияси асосида кунгабоқарнинг юқори мой бериш хусусиятига эга бўлган нав намуналарини танлаш, шу асосда Ўзбекистон шароитида етиштириб, ундан юқори ҳосил олиш учун парваришлаш технологиясини ишлаб чиқиш устида дастлабки илмий тадқиқотлар олиб борилмоқда.