Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Коллежларда тарбиявий ишларни ташкил этиш методикасини ишлаб чиқиш
Тарбиячи бола шахсининг тез ривожланадиган даври-ўқувчилик йилларида унинг онгига турли-туман фаолият (ўқиш, меҳнат, ижтимоий ишлар, ўйин, спорт, бадиий ҳаваскорлик) ёрдами билан махсус таъсир этиши муҳимдир. Акс ҳолда хулқ меъёрлари, ахлоқ талабларини яхши тушунолмай қолиши натижасида шахс ижтимоий муносабатларда беқарор тасодифий таъсирга берилувчан бўлиб қолиши мумкин.
Junior Problem Seminar
From time to time I get to revise this problem seminar. Although my chances of addressing the type of students for which they were originally intended (middle-school, high-school) are now very remote, I have had very pleasant emails from people around the world finding this material useful. I haven’t compiled the solutions for the practice problems anywhere. This is a project that now, having more pressing things to do, I can’t embark. But if you feel you can contribute to these notes, drop me a line, or even mail me your files!
Фермер хўжалигида сарфланаётган капитал қўйилмаларнинг иқтисодий самарадорлигини ошириш йўллари
Мазкур битирув малакавий ишининг мақсади фермер хўжалигида сарфланаётган капитал қўйилмаларнинг иқтисодий самарадорлигини ошириш йўлларининг назарий, методологик асослаш ва шунинг замирида регионал шарт-шароитларга мослашган амалий маслаҳатлар беришдир.
Сборник упражнений по всем разделам английской грамматики. Упражнения основаны на несложной лексике. Преднезначен для учащихся V-IX-лдфссов базовых школ и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.
Science and Mathematics for Engineering
Being numerate, i.e. having an ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers with some confidence, goes a long way towards helping you become competent at mathematics. Of course electronic calculators are a marvellous aid to the quite complicated calculations often required in engineering; however, having a feel for numbers ìn our head’ can be invaluable when estimating. Do not spend too much time on this chapter because we deal with the calculator later; however, try to have some idea how to do quick calculations in the absence of a calculator. You will feel more confident in dealing with numbers and calculations if you can do this.
Takroriy ekin sifatida yetishtirilayotgan makkajo‘xorini chiqindi suvlar bilan sug‘orish texnologiyasi
Ushbu bitiruv malaka ishida parrandachilik chiqindi suvlarini takroriy ekin sifatida yetishtirilayotgan makkajo‘xorini sug‘orishda foydalanish yo‘li bilan yo‘qotish bo‘yicha qator tadqiqotchilar tomonidan olib borilgan maxsus izlanishlar natijalarini ilmiy manbalardan o‘rganish, ularni umumlashtirish va tahlil etishni maqsad qilingan va ish mazmunidan kelib chiqqan holda tegishli xulosa va takliflar berilgan.
Ўзбек ва бошқа туркийзабон халқлар адабиётида ўзининг оташнафас, халқчил шеърлари билан кенг шуҳрат топган мумтоз ўзбек адабиётининг улуг намояндаларидан бири Бобораҳим Мулла Вали ўғли Машрабдир. Машраб тахаллуси билан ёзилган унинг содда ва равон тилда ҳамда исёнкор руҳдаги асарларини ўқиган ё эшитган шеър шайдоси дарҳол уларни ёдда сақлаб қолишга ҳаракат қилади. Шоирнинг жозибадор шеърлари билан айтиладиган қўшиқлари тингловчининг кўнгил мулкидан мустаҳкам ўрин олади
Equations and Inequalities
This book is intended as a text for a problem-solving course at the first- or second-year university level, as a text for enrichment classes for talented high-school students, or for mathematics competition training. It can also be used as a source of supplementary material for any course dealing with algebraic equations or inequalities, or to supplement a standard elementary number theory course. There are already many excellent books on the market that can be used for a problem-solving course. However, some are merely collections of problems from a variety of fields and lack cohesion. Others present problems according to topic, but provide little or no theoretical background. Most problem books have a limited number of rather challenging problems. While these problems tend to be quite beautiful, they can appear forbidding and discouraging to a beginning student, even with well-motivated and carefully written solutions. As a consequence, students may decide that problem solving is only for the few high performers in their class, and abandon this important part of their mathematical, and indeed overall, education.
Туркий халқларнинг ҳозирги уйгониш даврида, уларнинг ицтисодий, сиёсий, маданий, лисоний ва кўп бошца жиҳатларидан яқинлашувига янги имкониятлар тугилган замонда мазкур жараёнга кўмак бўладиган ўртатурк тилиии яратнш таклиф қилинянти. Бу тил ҳоэирги ва аввал мавжуд бўлган туркий тилларнинг сўз бойлиги, тил қоидалариии, нормаларини ўрталаштириш асосида нормаллаштирилган тилдир. Ушбу усул билан ўргаэрон, ўртаҳинд, ўртаславян, ўртагерман, ўртароман ва бошқа ўрта тиллар яратилиши мумкинлиги кўрсатилган. Ўртатурк ва миллий туркий тилларнинг ҳу ^ц и й мацомлари, уларнинг миллатлараро мулоцотдаги, умумтуркий ва умумжаҳон аҳамиятидаги маълумотларнинг алмашувидаги вазифалари, уларнинг алифбелари масалалари тадциқ қилинган. Туркчилик (гшнтуркизм) эл-тилчилик (зтнолингвопаннзм) тури сифатида таҳлил қилишан
She’r san’atlari
Zahiriddin Boburning g‘azalidagi bu baytda „so‘rorim“ so‘zi iyhom san’atini voqe qilyapti: Yorning labiga ishtiyoqlik oshiqning bag‘rini „qon“ qildi, ko‘zini qizartirib yubordi, holini yomon qildi, undan bir so‘rishgina bu azoblardan qutqarishi mumkin degan mazmun ifoda qilingan. Garchi birinchi qarashda kitobxon „so‘ramoqchiman“ degan yuzadagi ma’noni ilg‘asa-da, „so‘rmoqchiman“ tushunchasini anglagach, shubhasi tarqaladi. Lekin bu holatni ochiq-oydin ifodalamasdan, anglaydigan darajada sirli va pardali qilib tasvirlash — qalbni hayajonga soladi.
Culture has become a fashionable concept. This book argues that the history, various usages and different meanings of the concept derive from philosophy, critical aesthetics, literary criticism, anthropology and sociology. The book stresses that culture is a concept to be viewed within traditions, not as a modern invention. The book looks at the concept in the context of both idealism and materialism, examines its relation to the notion of social structure and assesses its once-assumed monopoly within literary study. Concepts of cultural polarization (high vs. low) and cultural reproduction are addressed, as is culture in relation to postmodernism. The book provides the grounds for understanding modern work rather than a competitive review of the ‘new’ in cultural studies, although the text provides readers with a clear and compelling assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the cultural studies approach.
Hydraulics and Hydrology with Applications for Stormwater Management
Publisher does not warrant or guarantee any of the products described herein or perform any independent analysis in connection with any of the product information contained herein. Publisher does not assume, and expressly disclaims, any obligation to obtain and include information other than that provided to it by the manufacturer. The reader is expressly warned to consider and adopt all safety precautions that might be indicated by the activities described herein and to avoid all potential hazards. By following the instructions contained herein, the reader willingly assumes all risks in connection with such instructions. The publisher makes no representations or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, the warranties of fitness for particular purpose or merchantability, nor are any such representations implied with respect to the material set forth herein, and the publisher takes no responsibility with respect to such material. The publisher shall not be liable for any special, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting, in whole or part, from the readers’ use of, or reliance upon, this material.
Бу иш олий ўқув юртлари филология факультетлари студентларига ўқиладиган махсус курслар учун мўлжалланган. Ишдан кузатилган мақсад ўзбек тилида форма ясалиши ҳодисаси ва у билан боғлиқ масалалар бўйича яхлит маълумот бериш, форма^ ясалишининг бошқа ҳодисалардан фарқини, шунингдек, ҳар бир сўз туркумига хос формалар, ударнинг маъно ва вазифаларини конкрет белгилашдир.
Болалар адабиёти
Болалар адабиёти деганда ёзувчилар томонидан уларга мулжаллаб ёзилган махсус асарларни тушунамиз.
Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra
This book is meant to provide an introduction to vectors, matrices, and least squares methods, basic topics in applied linear algebra. Our goal is to give the beginning student, with little or no prior exposure to linear algebra, a good grounding in the basic ideas, as well as an appreciation for how they are used in many applications, including data fitting, machine learning and artificial intelligence, tomography, navigation, image processing, finance, and automatic control systems. The background required of the reader is familiarity with basic mathematical notation. We use calculus in just a few places, but it does not play a critical role and is not a strict prerequisite. Even though the book covers many topics that are traditionally taught as part of probability and statistics, such as fitting mathematical models to data, no knowledge of or background in probability and statistics is needed.
Адабий мерос билан қизиққан кенг жамоатчилик талабини назнрда тутиб, Ўзбекистон Фанлар академияси А. С. Пушкин номидаги Тил ва адабиёт институтининг Октябрь реввлюциясигача бўлган ўзбек адабиёти сектори 1959—1960 йилларда тўрт том (беш китоб)дан иборат «Ўзбек адабиёти» намуналарини, 1966 йилда «Ўзбек адабиёти» намуналарининг бешинчи томи (биринчи ва иккинчи китоблар)ни ўз мухлисларига тақдим этди. Кейинги йилларда олиб борилган текширишлар натижасида ҳали китобхонларга маълум бўлмаган ижодкорлар аниқланди, кам ўрганилган шоирларнинг янги асарлари топилди.