Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Раздаточный материал по русской литературе для 8 классов школ с узбекским языком обучения.
Настоящее учебно-наглядное пособие (альбом) продолжает серию, начатую выпуском аналогичного издания для 7 класса (1984 г.). Оно призвано способствовать решению следующих задач.
Раздаточный материал по русской литературе для 8 классов школ с узбекским языком обучения.
Настоящее учебно-наглядное пособие (альбом) продолжает серию, начатую выпуском аналогичного издания для 7 класса (1984 г.). Оно призвано способствовать решению следующих задач.
Introduction to Abstract Algebra
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transcribed, in any form or by any means–electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise–without the prior written permission of the authors. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the agreement.
Introduction to Methods of Applied Mathematics or Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers
During the summer before my final undergraduate year at Caltech I set out to write a math text unlike any other, namely, one written by me. In that respect I have succeeded beautifully. Unfortunately, the text is neither complete nor polished. I have a “Warnings and Disclaimers” section below that is a little amusing, and an appendix on probability that I feel concisesly captures the essence of the subject. However, all the material in between is in some stage of development. I am currently working to improve and expand this text.
Изучение создания сортов хлопчатника, устойчивых к почвенному засолению
Постоянно меняющиеся климатические факторы в различных зонах Узбекистана, наносят огромный вред сельскохозяйственному производству. Поэтому необходимо внедрение сортов хлопчатника, приспособленных к различным экологическим условиям, а также к условиям водного дефицита и засоления.
Психопедагогика общего образования
В книге изложены основы психопедагогики - новой области знаний, пограничной между психологией и педагогикой.
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
This is the first volume of a two-volume textbook 1 which evolved from a course (Mathematics 160) offered at the California Institute of Technology during the last 25 years. It provides an introduction to analytic number theory suitable for undergraduates with so me background in advanced calculus, but with no previous knowledge of number theory. Actually, a great deal of the book requires no calculus at all and could profitably be studied by sophisticated high school students. Number theory is such a vast and rich field that a one-year course cannot do justice to all its parts. The choice of topics included here is intended to provide so me variety and some depth. Problems which have fascinated generations of professional and amateur mathematicians are discussed together with so me of the techniques for solving them. One of the goals of this course has been to nurture the intrinsic interest that many young mathematics students seem to have in number theory and to open so me doors for them to the current periodicalliterature. It has been gratifying to note that many of the students who have taken this course during the past 25 years have become professional mathematicians, and so me have made notable contributions of their own to number theory. To all of them this book is dedicated.
Unpacking Creativity for Language Teaching
‘Creativity’ has received increased attention in recent years in various disciplines. With reference to the discipline of language teaching and learning, this increased attention is reflected in the appearance of several recently published books, mainly edited books, in which language teachers, practitioners and language teacher educators come together and reflect on their various pedagogic practices and disciplinary expertise through the creativity lens (e.g. see Bao (ed), 2018; Jones (ed), 2015; Jones and Richards (eds), 2016; Maley and Peachey (eds), 2015).
Кечки картошка етиштириш технологиясининг иқтисодий самарадорлиги
Қуйида баён этиладиган малакавий битирув иши картошкани эртаги сабзавотлар ҳамда бошоқли экинлардан бўшаган ерларда такрорий экин сифатида етиштириш технологияси сирларини ўзида мужассамлаштирган.
If both of the function are directly integrable then the first function is chosen in such a way that the derivative of the function thus obtained under integral sign is easily integrable. Usually we use the following preference order for the first function.
Ingliz tili grammatikasi
O'zbekiston Respublikasining xorijiy filologiya, huquqshunoslik, sharq tillari, iqtisod yo'nalishlarida ta'lim beruvchi akademik litseylari o'quvchilariga mo'ljallangan mazkur «Ingliz tili grammatikasi» qo'llanmasi hozirgi zamon Buyuk Britaniya, AQSH, Rossiya va O'zbekiston olimlarining tajribalaridan keng foydalanib yaratilgan. Qo'llanmadan akademik litsey va kasb-hunar kollejlari o'quvchilaridan tashqari ingliz tilini mustaqil o'rganuvchilar, oliy o'quv yurtlariga o'qishga kirishga tayyorgarlik ko'rayotganlar va hatto oliy o'quv yurtlarining talabalari ham unumli foydalanishlari mumkin.
The issue arises as to where talented students can get help while they prepare themselves for these competitions. In some countries the students are lucky, and there is a well-developed training regime. Leaving aside the coaching, one of the most important features of these regimes is that they put talented young mathematicians together. This is very important, not just because of the resulting exchanges of ideas, but also for mutual encouragment in a world where interest in mathematics is not always widely understood. There are some very good books available, and a wealth of resources on the internet, including this excellent book Infinity.
This book is intended for the Mathematical Olympiad students who wish to prepare for the study of inequalities, a topic now of frequent use at various levels of mathematical competitions. In this volume we present both classic inequalities and the more useful inequalities for confronting and solving optimization problems. An important part of this book deals with geometric inequalities and this fact makes a big difference with respect to most of the books that deal with this topic in the mathematical olympiad. The book has been organized in four chapters which have each of them a different character. Chapter 1 is dedicated to present basic inequalities. Most of them are numerical inequalities generally lacking any geometric meaning. However, where it is possible to provide a geometric interpretation, we include it as we go along. We emphasize the importance of some of these inequalities, such as the inequality between the arithmetic mean and the geometric mean, the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, the rearrangement inequality, the Jensen inequality, the Muirhead theorem, among others. For all these, besides giving the proof, we present several examples that show how to use them in mathematical olympiad problems. We also emphasize how the substitution strategy is used to deduce several inequalities.
Inequalities Marathon
Hello everyone, this file contain 100 problem in inequalities, generally at Pre-Olympiad level. Those problems has been collected from MathLinks.ro at the topic called ”‘Inequalities Marathon”’. I decide to make this work to be a good reference for young students who are interested in inequalities. This work provides some of the nicest problems among international Olympiads, as well as some amazing problems by the participants. Some of the problems contains more than one solution from the marathon and even outside the marathon from other sources.
In the mathematics course of secondary schools students get acquainted with the properties of inequalities and methods of their solution in elementary cases (inequalities of the first and the second degree). In this booklet the author did not pursue the aim of presenting the basic properties of inequalities and made an attempt only to familiarize students of senior classes with some particularly remarkable inequalities playing an important role in various sections of higher mathematics and with their use for finding the greatest and the least values of quantities and for calculating some limits. The book contains 63 problems, 35 of which are provided with detailed solutions, composing thus its main subject, and 28 others are given in Sections 1.1 and 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 as exercises for individual training. At the end of the book the reader will find the solutions to the given exercises. The solution of some difficult problems carried out individually will undoubtedly do the reader more good than the solution of a large number of simple ones. For this reason we strongly recommend the readers to perform their own solutions before referring to the solutions given by the author at the end of the book. However, one should not be disappointed if the obtained results differ from those of the patterns. The author considers it as a positive factor. When proving the inequalities and solving the given problems, the author has used only the properties of inequalities and limits actually covered by the curriculum on mathematics in the secondary school.
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
This book is intended for those who have no previous acquaintance with the topics of which it treats, and no more knowledge of mathematics than can be acquired at a primary school or even at Eton. It sets forth in elementary form the logical definition of number, the analysis of the notion of order, the modern doctrine of the infinite, and the theory of descriptions and classes as symbolic fictions. The more controversial and uncertain aspects of the subject are subordinated to those which can by now be regarded as acquired scientific knowledge. These are explained without the use of symbols, but in such a way as to give readers a general understanding of the methods and purposes of mathematical logic, which, it is hoped, will be of interest not only to those who wish to proceed to a more serious study of the subject, but also to that wider circle who feel a desire to know the bearings of this important modern science.