Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Les Mathématiques pour l’Agrégation
Ces études et d’autres encore constituent la théorie des tests et font appel à des variantes difficiles du théorème central limite. Les trois premiers points sont utiles pour faire bonne impression à un jury d’agrégation.
Рост, развитие и урожайность хлопчатника при орошении по экранированным полиэтиленовой пленкой бороздам.
В работе описаны о рост, развитие и урожайность хлопчатника при орошении по экранированным полиэтиленовой пленкой бороздам.
Mathematical Miniatures
It was in the summer of 1993 in Turkey, at the International Mathematical Olympiad, when a Bulgarian and a Romanian-American decided to write a book on problem-solving. This decision brought together two people separated by half of the world, not speaking each other's language and not knowing each other very well. Six months later they started working together in America. We are Svetoslav Savchev, editor of the Bulgarian journal Matematika, and Titu Andreescu, former editor-in-chief of the journal Revista Matematică Timişoara and coach of the Romanian Mathematical Olympiad Team, now Director of the American Mathematics Competitions and head coach of the US Mathematical Olympiad Team. The material we started with was vast, coming from all kinds of mathematical competitions, books, research papers, personal discussions and communications, and our own work. Such mathematical substance was sure to go beyond the pragmatic purposes of a traditional problem book. The most attractive pieces of mathematics refused to fit into the rigid schemes of an instruction manual, to merely exemplify typical problem- solving techniques. Their depth and appeal endow such statements with individuality demanding a separate treatment. And our original program, in which they were destined to play an auxiliary role, impressed us increasingly as being too narrow.
Тошкент вилояти ҳудудларида буғдойнинг фузариоз касаллиги ва уларга қарши кураш чораларини такомиллаштириш
Битирув малакавий ишида замбуруғларнинг морфологик тузилишини микроскоп ёрдамида ўрганиш ва бошқа маълумотлар берилган.
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Қизилқум фосфоритлари асосида тайёрланган янги органомаъдан ўғитларни ғўзадаги самарадорлигини ўрганиш.
Битирув малакавий ишида органо-маъдан ўғитларни (ОМУ) ғўзанинг ўсиш, ривожланишига ва қуруқ масса тўплашига таъсири ва бошқа маълумотлар берилган.
Ғўзани суғоришда ресурс-тежамкор усуллардан фойдаланишнинг ҳосилдорликка таъсири
Битирув малакавий ишида ўрганилаётган Наврўз ғўза навини қисқача тавсифи, ажриба даласида олиб борилган агротехник тадбирлар ва бошқа маълумотлар берилган.
Algorithmic Number Theory
Evaluation copies are provided to qualified academics and professionals for review purposes only, for use in their courses during the next academic year. These copies are licensed and may not be sold or transferred to a third party. Upon completion of the review period, please return the evaluation copy to Wiley. Return instructions and a free of charge return mailing label are available at www.wiley.com/go/returnlabel. If you have chosen to adopt this textbook for use in your course, please accept this book as your complimentary desk copy. Outside of the United States, please contact your local sales representative.
Кабинет русского языка и литературы в национальной школе.
Совершенствование учебно-воспитательного процесса, укрепление его связи с жизнью, повышение качества обучения и воспитания, улучшение подготовки школьников к общественно полезному труду.
Algebraic Topology
This book was written to be a readable introduction to algebraic topology with rather broad coverage of the subject. The viewpoint is quite classical in spirit, and stays well within the confines of pure algebraic topology. In a sense, the book could have been written thirty or forty years ago since virtually everything in it is at least that old. However, the passage of the intervening years has helped clarify what are the most important results and techniques. For example, CW complexes have proved over time to be the most natural class of spaces for algebraic topology, so they areemphasized here much more than in the books of an earlier generation. This emphasis also illustrates the book’s general slant towards geometric, rather than algebraic, aspects of the subject. The geometry of algebraic topology is so pretty, it would seem a pity to slight it and to miss all the intuition it provides.
Algebra know - it - all
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Matematik analiz asoslari 2-qism
Ushbu kitob universitellar hamda pedagogika institutlari, shuningdek, oli> texnika o’quv yurtlarining oliy matematika predmeti chuqur dastur asosida o'qitiiadigan fakultctlari talabalari uchun muljallangan. Uni yozishda mualliflar bit necha yillar davomida o'qigan ma'ruzalaridan foydalanganlar
All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner.
Математик анализ курсидан мисол ва масалалар туплами I жилд
Ушбу китоб «Узбекистан» нашриётида чоп этилган «Математик анализ курсидан мисол ва масалалар туплами», I жилдининг давоми булиб, у уз ичига куп узгарувчили функцияларнинг лимити ва узлуксизлиги, дифференциал х.исоб, функционал кетма-кетликлар ва к,аторлар, хосмас интеграллар, параметрга боглик, хос х,амда хосмас интеграллар, каррали интеграллар, эгри чизикли ва сирт интеграллари, Фурье к,аторлари мавзуларини олади.
Mathematics ALGEBRA
Students appearing for various engineering entrance examinations cannot bank solely on conventional shortcut measures to crack the entrance examination. Conventional techniques alone are not enough as most of the questions asked in the examination are based on concepts rather than on just formulae. Hence, it is necessary for students appearing for joint entrance examination to not only gain a thorough knowledge and understanding of the concepts but also develop problem-solving skills to be able to relate their understanding of the subject to real-life applications based on these concepts. This series of books is designed to help students to get an allround grasp of the subject so as to be able to make its useful application in all its contexts. It uses a right mix of fundamental principles and concepts, illustrations which highlight the application of these concepts, and exercises for practice. The objective of each book in this series is to help students develop their problem-solving skills/accuracy, the ability to reach the crux of the matter, and the speed to get answers in limited time. These books feature all types of problems asked in the examination be it MCQs (one or more than one correct), assertion-reason type, matching column type, comprehension type, or integer type questions. These problems have skillfully been set to help students develop a sound problemsolving methodology.
Қаттиқ буғдой навлари ўсиши, ривожланиши ва ҳосилдорлик кўрсаткичларига экиш муддатларининг таъсири
Бугунги кунга келиб мамлакатимизда ҳам қаттиқ буғдойни етиштиришга алоҳида аҳамият қаратилаётгани ҳамда қаттиқ буғдой маҳсулотларига талабнинг ошаётганлиги сабабли, ҳар бир иқлим шароитларига мослашган ва потенциал ҳосилдорлиги юқори бўлган қаттиқ буғдой навларини танлаб олиб, ишлаб чиқаришга тадбиқ этиш сингари долзарб, маъсулиятли вазифалар турибди.