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Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
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Solved Problems in Geophysics
This book presents a collection of 197 solved problems in geophysics. Our teaching experience has shown us that there was a need for a work of this kind. Solving problems is an indispensable exercise for understanding the theory contained in the various branches of geophysics. Without this exercise, the student often finds it hard to understand and relate the theoretical concepts with their application to practical cases.
Grammaire du français
Nous nous sommes calées avec rigueur sur les niveaux du CECRL A1, A2 et 81 non seulement pour les points grammaticaux mais également pour le lexique. Il est effectivement impératif que le lexique utilisé dans les exercices ne soit pas un obstacle à la réussite du travail grammatical. Nous πους sommes fixé la contrainte de ne pas dépasser trois thèmes grammaticaux par unité; chacun de ces thèmes correspond au niveau du point grammatical traité. C'est ainsi que les dernières unités abordent des thèmes comme l'écologie ou les conflits au travail alors que les premières unitës ne Font appel qu'à du lexique de survie.
Театр масс.
На фронтисписе - сцена из программы самодеятельного агиттеатра Ташкентского тракторного завода "Рапортуем тебе, пятилетка!".
The Path to Gay Rights How Activism and Coming Out Changed Public Opinion
This interrelationship makes understanding the root cause of attitude change difficult. But understanding why and how opinions have changed is central to comprehending why many aspects of American society— entertainment, politics, corporations— appear to be, at least rhetori- cally, more tolerant of the existence of lesbians and gays.
Искусство средней Азии
Территориально границы Средней Азии определяются на западе побережьем Каспийского моря, на юге линией, идущей от юго-восточной оконечности Каспийского моря к верховьям реки АмуДарьи (по современной политической границе СССР), на востоке границей СССР и Китая от Памира до Алтая, на севере степями Казахстана. Каждый из народов, населявших в прошлом и населяющих сейчас Среднюю Азию, имеет, конечно, свою самостоятельную историю, свои национальные особенности. Но не только геотрафическая близость, а также общность исторических судеб связывает между собой на роды Средней Азии.
Active 8
Use 3A to revise useful expressions for shopping, comparatives and superlatives. Choose four shopkeepers (A, B, C, and D). Give them their individual “contents” picture. They each choose a name for their shop and organise a table for it. The rest of the class (the Shoppers) have to buy two presents each. One for an old uncle and one for a child. Before the game starts they should decide individually on the two presents they want to buy from the list of eight possibilities. They should buy the best presents possible with the money they have (£10). The shoppers should, of course, check with eachof the four shops before deciding what present to buy in which shop.
L’Agence européenne pour l’éducation adaptée et inclusive (l’Agence ; précédemment connue sous le nom d’Agence européenne pour le développement de l’éducation des personnes ayant des besoins particuliers) est une organisation indépendante et autonome, appuyée par les pays membres de l’Agence et les Institutions européennes (Commission et Parlement). Cette publication a été financée avec le soutien de la Commission européenne. Elle ne représente que les opinions de l’auteur. La Commission européenne ne peut être tenue responsable de tout usage fait des informations qui y sont contenues.
Ўзбекистонга оид хориждаги қўлёзма асарлар реестри том 2
'Ўзбекистонга оид хориждаги қўлёзма асарлар реестри'Том 2 илмий тадқиқот А-ВМ-2019-15 'Ўзбекистонга оид хорижда сақланаётган маданий бойликлар реестрини яратиш, нодир қўлёзма асарларнинг факсимилесини нашр этиш' лойихаси доирасида тайёрланиб, Ўзбекистонга оид хорижий кутубхора ва илмий муассасаларда сақланаётган навбатдаги 1019 та қўлёзма асар нусхасига таалуқли маьлумотларни қамраб олган.
Archives and Human Rights
The editors thank all colleagues who have contributed to this book with inspiration and work. In particular, we wish to thank David Sutton for his tireless and precious linguistic support. Those parts of the book which we have submitted for his critical review of language and style, have greatly benefited from his insightful suggestions.
Fearing Others
Social phobia and disruptive social anxiety are features of the lives of many thousands of people. But exactly what is social phobia? What causes it? What is its nature and what kinds of treatments can improve it? Using key concepts and methods and a substantive body of research, this book aims to answer these questions and clarify social phobia by means of critical discussions and examination of evidence. It takes a skeptical stance towards the received view of social phobia as a species of disease caused by a deficient inner mechanism and considers and alternative construal of social phobia as a purposeful interpersonal pattern of self-overprotection from social threats. The possibility that social phobia might not actually exist in nature is also considered. Fearing Others will appeal to researchers, clinicians, and students in clinical and health psychology and psychiatry. ARIEL STRAVYNSKI is Professor of Clinical Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Montreal.
Пазандалик сирлари энциклопедияси
Эътиборингизга ҳавола этилаётган ушбу китобда ёддан чиқишга улгурган, деярли таниш бўлмаган ва шу билан бирга замонавий янги таомларнинг рецептлари ҳақида батафсил маълумотлар бериб ўтилган.
Монетнаго дыла вы России
Понятно поэтому, что когда Великій Преобра зователь нашелъ необходимымъ уничтожить этотъ старорусскій обычай, то указъ о бритьѣ усовъ и бороды (1699 г.) не только былъ встрѣченъ крайне несочуственно, но и послужилъ для многихъ простыхъ людей предлогомъ къ отступни
Right Moves The Conservative Think Tank in American Po liti cal Culture since 1945
The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources. The University of North Carolina Press has been a member of the Green Press Initiative since 2003
An Etymological Dictionary of Altaic Languages
This is a first attempt at an etymological dictionary of Altaic languages. The history of Altaic comparative studies is a difficult one. Even now there is still no consensus among scholars on the very problem of the existence of Altaic as a genetic unit. We sincerely hope that this publication will bring an end to this discussion, which has lasted for more than 30 years. The dictionary presented below should by no means be regarded as final and conclusive. We have tried to collect all existing etymologies that seem to be semantically reliable and fit the established system of phonetic correspondences. Among the 2800 etymologies presented approximately half are new, developed by our team during more than 10 years of preparatory work. New etymologies will most certainly follow, while some of those presented will doubtlessly be rearranged or even refuted in the course of future research. The current reconstruction will also inevitably change - as it happened with Indo-European, Uralic and most of the other established language families during the decades of their investigation. Nevertheless, we regard it as a valid starting point, worth presenting to the general academic audience, and look forward for criticism, suggestions and corrections.
Олий таълимнинг ўқув - меъёрий ҳужжатлари таҳлили
Мазкур методик тавсиянома олий таълим муассасаларида амалдаги таълим йўналишлари, ўқув режа ва фан дастурларини хорижий давлатларнинг энг нуфузли ТОП-500 таликка кирган университетларининг ўқув режа ва фан силлабусларига қиёслаган ҳолда ўтказилган тадқиқот натижалари ҳамда уларнинг мазмуни баён этилган. Шунингдек, у тадқиқотдан келиб чиқиб, тегишли йўналишларни жаҳон талабларига мослаштириш бўйича тавсия ва таклифларни ўз ичига олади.
Ethical Decision-Making in Social Work Practice
Ethical decision-making is an integral part of social work practice. On a daily basis, social workers are faced with ethical dilemmas that require thoughtful reflection and critical thinking. An ethical dilemma is a choice between two actions based on conflicting professional values; both may be morally correct and professionally grounded. Both may be right or good. It is this ambiguity that creates the dilemma for the social worker (Linzer, 1999). As social workers grapple with ethical issues in practice, a review and reflection on the CASW Code of Ethics (2005) and Guidelines for Ethical Practice (2005) is crucial. In addition, social workers may find other strategies and resources helpful, including peer consultation, discussion with a supervisor/manager, review of best practices and relevant standards, use of ethical decision-making models and ethics consultations.