To‘liq matnni ko‘chirib olish uchun kutubxonaga a'zo bo‘lish shart | |
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Fayl format turi: | application/pdf |
Fayl hajmi: | 9.14 MB |
Turi: | O‘quv qo‘llanma |
Tili: | Inglizcha |
Kitob yozuvi: | Inglizcha |
Matn turi: | Bosma shaklda |
Kirish huquq turi: | OCHIQ KIRISH |
IELTS Trainer (Academic Six Practice Tests) 2
Kitob mualliflari
This publication is in copyright.Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge university Press.
Fan yoʻnalishi: | | Ta'lim | |
UDK | 811.111(076.1) |
Kitob nashriyoti nomi: | Textbook |
Kitob nashr qilingan shahar: | Ташкент |
ISBN: | 978-9943-7851-1-3 |
Kitob nashr qilingan yili: | 2021 Yil |
Betlar Soni: | 194 |